"I feel like Neville when he first went on a broom.."

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(Okay so I didn't want to write another author note but like, I watched infinity war AND OMG!!!! Haha spoiler alert, Hulk is on his man period XD)
~Same time, because I couldn't be asked to write this yesterday~

I admired the suit, everything about it was just so perfect. "Okay princes-" I glare at Lily and raise a brow "what was that Osbort?" I say, allowing her to stop herself, ".... Okay N/n (nickname for future reference children). Let's try it on!" She says, a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. I nod in approval and as lily presses a small bracelet on the suit, making it disappear... Me, Pete and Ned all fangirling in the corner, as usual. Lily hands the bracelet to me, looking directly in my eyes. " there's a mask with it aswell to cover your mouth, just so no one knows.." I squeal and run off into any room I can find cuz I'm bad at co-ordination.
~ 10 seconds brought to you by Flash's date with black widow~
I run back in, with my suit on. It's well fitting and extremely comfortable like, Lily should be in the pyjama brand! Ooh I should as her to make me my (hogwarts house) pj's I wanted now!!! I love most of my life... most of. "Okay, so.. how do you work this?" I ask, feeling powerful yet very confused. "Well, press the middle of your palm to activate projector gloves" lily says, me already trying it out.  As I do this, the middle of my gloves light up and show a screen, with a two dots which.. seem like eyes in the middle. " That's your personal assi-" "Siri but way cooler." Ned butts in, squealing. "... yeah, but her name is Flow. Not Siri." Lily corrects, rolling her eyes. "Hello, (Y/n). I am happy to assist you in your mission." Omg. " can you give me relationship advice?" "... yes, why?" " I need to hunt down Keith and Lance and give them this advice." I say, only Lily knowing what I'm on about. ( if you don't watch voltron, think of a different ship XD) "Okay, bye flow!" As I say this the screen disappears, and I look back at lily. "Next, you have-" she points to a small pocket and opens it. "This." She pulls out a small ball, fiddling with it in her fingers. "It's a smoke bomb, it makes people pass out." She hands it to me and I nod, impressed. " you have your secondary weapon," She gets a blade, in the shape of a fang, out, holding it carefully. "It's nothing special, but it looks pretty." She states, making me giggle. " and you have your camera in the logo. Don't leave it on a chair when you have your first makeou-" I deadpan and roll my eyes. "I get it. What else?" She finally points to my shoes. "They are like rolleys, they have two settings to make transport easier.. I'm afraid that's it, it's still a very new prototype.." Lily says, sighing. I decide to try out my shoes and try to turn them on. "Uh.. ho-" I tap twice on the ground, and suddenly you hear a clicking noise, as a slip over. "Ow.." "that's how!" Lily says, laughing. MJ starts laughing, only to miss the counter she was about to rest on, Pete is chuckling quietly and Ned is facepalming at Michelle. I try and get up again, but completely fail. "I feel like Neville longbottom when he first went on a broom..." I mumble out, starting to laugh myself.

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