Fighting the Instinct

Start from the beginning

   "Yeah, and I'm sorry that it came off as me being pissed, but I really wasn't, honestly." She tries to keep her voice light, but I hear something underneath it- she is lying to me.

  "Oh are you now? I bet.." I say this and lean in to hug her, before whispering something to her, "that you are lying to me. I'm not stupid." With that I get up and leave, finding the nearest door that leads outside. I am so close to shifting into my giant wolf that it sort of scares me.

   I walk outside, with Erin hot on my heels. I spin around, and my stare stops her mid-step.

   "What do you want?" I ask, feeling my alpha blood making itself know. I have to leave- now.

   Before she can respond, I turn around and run into the cover of the trees. I run and run, until My wolf makes me stop. I stand still and hear Erin coming, but I know that there is no way to stop myself from shifting at this point. I just have to hope she won't see anything.

   I shift and look around. Still no sign of Erin, but I can hear her getting closer. I change my scent and lay down, enjoying the warmth the sun is giving me.

   When she comes into the small clearing where I am resting, she is in wolf form. I look up and just stare at her, not making any other movement than that.

   She looks around, almost like she wants to find me, but has no clue where I went. She is probably thinking that I masked my scent again, which is sort of true. She sees me watching her, and finally realizes that she isn't alone. Erin takes a few steps back, not taking her eyes off of me. I watch her the whole way, but then close my eyes and sigh is boredom.

   I hear movement, and I look up to see another wolf standing protectively in front of Erin. Beck. He is a beautiful grey wolf with warm brown eyes. He stands tall in front of Erin, not wanting me to be able to see her at all.

   Once I look Beck up and down, I close my eyes again, while resting my head on my outstretched legs and paws. I hear Beck bark and I look back up at him. He looks a little confused, but isn't about to let that stop him from what he does next.

   Beck walks towards me slowly, and shows me that he means no harm by lowering his head and body. As he gets closer, I hear Erin let out a whimper, obviously not liking how close Beck was getting to me.

   He ignores her and continues walking, smelling the air around him for my scent. When he smells it, he relaxes a little bit, but not enough to make him stop before he checks to see if I am a threat to him, Erin, and their whole pack.

   He comes up to me, and sits down. What is his problem? I growl at him, and sit up, not liking how close he is to me. Even though I know him, I don't like it when wolves think they can just walk up to me.

   He watches me warily as I growl at him, and stand up. Once I am on all four of my feet, he seems to finally see how large and dangerous I am right now, and backs off.

   I stop growling and sit back down once he is far enough away for comfort. I still don't like having him and Erin so close though. I feel like I could snap at any second, and they would be the ones getting hurt, and that would not be fair to them or me.

   I feel it coming, but I push it back down. Now that I am in wolf form, and especially my alpha wolf form, my wolf has more power than she usually does. She uses every little thing that I have ever been angry about against me, and right now, she is using my fight with Erin.

   She knows exactly how to play me so that she wins, but I can't let her this time. Not with Erin this close, and with how far our friendship has come. Although we have hit a rough spot right now, everything will eventually work itself out. I just have to be patient, and so does my wolf.

   'I don't want to be patient, i want her dead' She points out, fighting for the control that I refuse to give her.

   'No, She is our best friend, we cannot kill her. Besides, killing her would give us away. You don't want to have to go back to Alexander do you?' I ask, knowing what her answer will be.

   'I will never go back to him as long as we live. He is not my real mate, so he has no right to be in my life.' Exactly what I thought she would say.

   'See, and that is why we have to stay calm. As long as no one knows about us and everything that comes with, we are safe.' Saying this to her also has me finally believing it. I can't show anyone who I am. I will have to fight the instincts in me to keep out of sight, this ought to be fun.

   'Fine. You just have to talk it out with her then. I will eventually trust her again, just not at the moment. Once everything is settled between the two of you, I will come out and see if she is worthy of being our friend. Until then, I will have no say in your relationship with her.' Hearing her say this has me feeling happy. Just knowing that she isn't going to freak out everytime Erin is around helps give me hope.

   'Ok, thank you. I will do my best to get to know her to the best of my ability, and I hope you will be able to love her as much as I do.' She replies with a 'your welcome' and then leaves my head, not literally, but she stops with her input and stops spreading her anger into me.

   I look back up and Beck and Erin, and sigh, suddenly feeling tired. Since I don't feel like shfting back into human form just yet because of the pain, I decide to try to sleep in my alpha form all night. Doing this will help me have more control over my wolf form, and the temper that comes with it.

   I turn away from the two love birds, and begin to make my way further into the forest. I mask my scent once I am out of sight, and continue on.

   On the outskirts of the land, I find a small cave where I decide to settle in for the night. I can feel my alpha form loosing power and fight hard to keep it. After about twenty hard minutes of pretty much fighting with myself, I am victorious. I have managed to stay in alpha form without being angry, and sleeping the night like this will only help me out more. Now if only I could win out over my stupid temper. Oh well, that is a fight for another day.

   As I drift off to sleep, I faintly hear the sound of footsteps, and it scares me half to death. I shoot up out of my laying posittion, and look around, wondering what is going on. From my vantage point up the the cave, I can see a man and boy talking in the cover of darkness.

   Without making a sound, i get down from the cave and slowly aproach them. I make sure that my scent is masked, incase they are wolves. When I get close enough to hear them, I hear some things that I do not like at all. Those little bastards.


 THANK YU for reading!!!

Beck's wolf ---------->>>





Cali! <3

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