z w e i u n d d r e i ß i g

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author's note; longest filler you'll ever read in life this is so boring im sorry next chapter is finale!

december twenty-fifth

❝MERRY CHRISTMAS!❞ Grace beamed at her laptop, watching the face of her boyfriend light up. She was sat on one of the gorgeous cream couches in the living room in her nicest garb with a bright red Santa hat adorning her curly hair.

"Hey," he licked his lips and grinned, "Merry Christmas! Hi Jonas."

Jonas, from beside Grace, waved, "Hey Leon. What's up man? Are you missing us?"

"Only you, J," he winked, causing Grace to roll her eyes.

It was around 11am and the children were waiting for the Christmas dinner to cook, courtesy of Hanna and Anthony. The two refused for their Christmas food to be cooked by anyone other than themselves, because Christmas was a family holiday, even if you were a millionaire or something. So therefore, Cecil was given a few days off.

Across to another couch, the twins were playing with their new presents (there was a lot!) and in their new jerseys that they received. While Grace was discouraged from buying anyone presents since it would've been to hard on her and the Lacroix had everything they ever wanted anyway, Hanna took the liberty in buying Grace a few presents of her own. These included a gorgeous Von Greaves bag, a polaroid camera and a voucher for a great restaurant in Cologne to take Leon to on a date, amongst other things. Grace really didn't expect what she got, and felt a bit bad she didn't have anything to give back, but they all assured her it was fine. The Lacroix's were undeniably, unquestionably nice and Grace welcomed this.

Leon was cross legged on the floor in front of his Christmas tree with his nephew Matilda bouncing on his knee, "Are you having fun there?"

"It's nice here," Grace shrugged.

"Don't get too cosy," he chuckled, brushing some curls out of his face, "You're Gelsenkirchen's."

"You know, someone would be very happy if you moved here, isn't that right, Antoine?" Grace peered her eyes over the screen to her half-brother, who looked up from playing with a toy car.

"Huh? Is that Leon?" he raced over, sliding in front of the space between Grace and the coffee table that the laptop was perched on, "Hi Leon!"

"Hey little man," Leon greeted back, "As I was saying, I can't move to Paris because my French is pas bon."

"I could teach you!" Antoine screeched back before feeling the urge to return to his toy car, "PSG! PSG!"

"How's your Christmas going?" Grace turned her attention back to Leon, smiling softly at her boyfriend.

"Really well," he replied, "Isn't that right, Tils? Um, you know, family time's always nice."

"Then why are you taking to me?" Grace raised her eyebrows challengingly.

"Cause I miss you," he replied without a missing a beat, then grinning smugly as she hid her face in her hands.

"Ugh, couples," Jonas groaned out, "You both suck."

"Get a girlfriend! Do you want me to find you one?" Leon grimaced at him, crinkling his nose, "Lids, you got any single friends?"

Grace and Jonas heard a faint 'why?' in the background and burst out in giggles. Grace shook her head, "That's my job, Le! Anyway, have you spoken to Julian recently?"

"No, why?" Leon frowned, "We've been busy."

Jonas and Grace looked at each other with a look of regret. She probably shouldn't have said that, "Um, you might want to check Twitter."

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