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a/n: i recently found out that max also went to gesamtschule berger feld and not just julian BUT i'm just going to pretend that he never did lol. besides, would he have been in the year below grace, who is much closer in age to leon? because if it were according to the english school system, leon and max would be in different years because of the months they were born in. if you want to be kinda accurate, let's pretend maybe max did go to berger feld but grace never remembered because well, i don't really care about the year below so maybe she didn't either and unlike julian, max wasn't a regular schalke first team player then and maybe a lot of the boys there were regular b-team players. and maybe max just fails to bring it up.

leon's apartment

THEY ENDED UP FAST ASLEEP on Leon's couch after neither said a word. Grace's confession had him over the moon, but apparently he was unable to show this in any way that was not grab her face and kiss her endlessly, and he knew this wasn't the right move, so instead he stayed still- well he stayed still after wrapping his arms around her body and bringing her closer.

They radiated warmth to one another and Grace quickly decided that this was where she wanted to be for as long as possible and nowhere else. The apartment gradually heated up, and with all these conditions, it was easy for your eyes to droop, especially after the long day of crying she had endures and the long day of rehab Leon undertook.

So they were there, arms and legs tangled, overjoyed in each other's orbits with words left unsaid lingering in the mellow air. There was no noise in the entire apartment aside from the sound of steady breathing and if you listened close enough, faint heartbeat.

It was Grace who awoke first with her head on Leon's chest as it had been a few occasions before. She found that she liked it there. Her eyes rolled upwards to gaze at this boy she simply adored. His lids were cast over his hazel eyes, and his rose lips were parted slightly as he huffed. Look up the synonyms of 'angel' and a picture of Leon Goretzka asleep would appear because wow, did he look heavenly. His hair had returned to its naturally curly state (convincing Grace further that he straightens his hair often) and bobbed over his forehead. He had the kind of hair you wanted to run your fingers through as you looked into his glittering eyes, and she would've done exactly this for it not her being constricted by his tight grip. Leon Goretzka was very strong, even in a sleeping state.

There was a clock in the room and the silent device told her it was about half 8, showing they had been asleep for three and a half hours. That was a nice rest.

She nudged his side softly, and then again when he didn't move. The third time around, he stirred, prompting Grace to whisper, "Wake up, sleeping beauty."

A smile came to his face before his eyelids opened. Leon acknowledged that ever since Grace marched into his life, he had been smiling a whole of a lot more.

"I'm glad we're at the point of our relationship that you can finally admit how beautiful I am," his voice was raspy, but the dreamboat kind of raspy, making Grace's heart flutter and swell.

"Shut up, and wake up," her eyes rolled, "It's half 8, we've been asleep for a while."

His lids snapped up, "I thought we would have slept into tomorrow. What do you want to do? Dinner?"

"Yeah, dinner sounds good," she admitted, realising the feeling of hunger swirling in her stomach, "But I also kind-of don't really want to move."

Leon looked down. Their bodies were covered by a large, cotton blanket, which he kicked off to reveal that Grace's legs were loosely entwined in his and her body was bent so her torso arched onto him, allowing her to lay onto his head. His arms were locked around her, and though it may have looked uncomfortable, the two were anything but.

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