s i e b e n

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a/n: i don't know and can't find out for sure what any of leon's sister's names are or how many he has. someone said three older sisters, so i'm gonna go with that, and i think he has like a niece and maybe a nephew??? i also believe one of his sisters is called laura? because on the insta of him holding a baby, i'm sure it says #dankelaura? so maybe that's his niece and laura is his sister. anyway this is fiction so probably none of his family facts in this are correct lol

august sixteenth

WHAT WAS IN FRONT OF HIM was not a sight for sore eyes. Leon had gotten used to it, however. He was used to the image of his swelled-up, inflamed right calf as he leaned over, pressing an ice pack to it.

While Thomas did say he didn't have to do anything for himself thanks to the nurses around him, he wanted to do it by himself. Thomas was perched on the edge of a red leather single sofa, writing notes on a clipboard.

Leon had stretched and strengthened for about half an hour that morning, before undergoing cold therapy with ice. So far, he was doing good but there had still been some pain when he did his range of movements and exercises.

"Hey, Thomas, when can I start driving again?" he queried curiously.

"Not for at least another three weeks, I don't think. That's because you have to use a lot of your calf muscles when pressing the pedal," Thomas answered.

"How am I meant to get to the training ground every morning to work on my fitness?"

"Schalke'll send a car every morning," Thomas reminded him, "Don't worry Leon; you'll be treated fine and well and you'll be back and literally kicking before October ends."

Leon grumbled a little bit, still discouraged by the fact that he wasn't at Geschäftsstelle training with his teammates at that very moment, but what could he do anyway?

"So, everything's going well," Thomas' smile was knowing, "I'd say I could convince the your doctor here and Dr. Ingelfinger over at the club that you could be let out before tonight ends. Your walking seems strong and it'll just be excessive to keep you here."

If Leon had been told this 48 hours ago, he'd have been delighted and out of the hospital before you could say 'injured'. Now, something vile sunk to the pit of his stomach as he nodded. It was unfair to occupy a bed that you didn't need at a hospital when someone else could need it more. His moral conscience still had a grip on him, thankfully.

It was completely crazy how much life changed for him in 48 hours. It was completely crazy how the 48 hours he had spent knowing her felt like the most blissful 5 years of his life; how it felt as if he was stuck in this world within a world that he never wanted to leave. For the past years of his life, it had been touch and go. Leon Goretzka never had time to slow down, and in this microcosm of the world, in this hospital, in those 48 hours, Leon Goretzka finally was able to live in the moment.

He didn't know if it was just because he had finally left his hospital room, or if it was her.

"Leon?" Thomas frowned, "Do you not want to go? I thought you'd be metaphorically jumping for joy!"

"I am- I, I just got used to it here," he dismissed it, "What else do I have planned for the rest of the day?"

"Well, Felix will visit you very soon. It's important that you are healed both physically and mentally, so just some evaluation and questions; nothing too harrowing. After that, your doctor here, Dr. Grau wants to do a scan of your calf. I'll be on my way to see him about your early release," Thomas Kühn clapped his hands, "Do you have anyone who can bring you some clothes or are you happy to wear those?" he pointed to the stack of clothes that Leon had come in with from Brazil. While at the hospital, he had been wearing shorts that he had packed for Brazil and some tops because he didn't want to wear the gown.

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