e i n u n d d r e i ß i g

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a/n: leon's outside friends won't exist in this story as his best friends, y'know like marius and luca cause ain't nobody got time for that we're sticking with mi amor max as his bffl who does absolutely everything with him cause that's how they exist in my delusional head woo hoo!

this is a really really boring chapter lol sorry


GRACE'S HAIR WHIPPED BACK as they steadily rolled along the autobahn. It was unfortunate that it was the dead of winter, because it would've looked so picturesque had she had sunglasses over her grey eyes as she peered to her angel boyfriend, driving a luxurious convertible.

"Can we put the top up now?" Leon chimed, his fingers ghosting over the stick shift, "I swear, Grace. It's freezing."

"You're just weak," she smiled over to him, "But the wind's nice, Le."

He breathed out, watching as a white cloud escaped his lips, "Winter is the worst season. I hate snow; I hate the cold."

It was December and you'd think you'd find at least a centimetre of snow covering the famously cold Germany, but nope, nothing, and it was kind-of upsetting to Grace because unlike Leon, she loved everything about winter- the festivities, the people, the hot chocolates, the fashion. Despite this, this year's holiday period was going to terrible for one reason only. A part of her heart was missing, and that was something you couldn't mend easily and especially not in two months.

"I'll miss you," Grace's voice dropped quieter as she just focused on him, and solely him.

"I just- I don't want to be without you, Grace," he sighed, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips gently, "Far too long. I don't have to go to Gran Canaria-"

"You're going, Leon Christoph Goretzka," her glare was intimidating, "You've put up with me for the past 5 months; you definitely deserve a break. You must be exhausted."

"Being with you and taking care of you is not a chore, Bauer," Leon defended, "But just know that i'm calling you absolutely every day and that i'm counting down to when I can see you again on New Year's Day."

"We have three days before you leave again," Grace squished his hand, "And then i'll see you in 11 days after that."

"We haven't been apart for more than a week since we met," Leon sighed, "I might go crazy in Gran Canaria and have to book a flight straight to you."

"Stop being cheesy," she teased quietly, turning her sights to the upcoming building- Düsseldorf Airport, "But this'll be good for us, I think."

A little while later, Leon was flicking his hood up over his easily-recognisable hair and sliding glasses over his eyes after taking out a suitcase from the trunk of his car. He began to walk by her side, rolling the suitcase beside him, "Don't forget, Grace. Call and text everyday and tell me how everything's going. If you need, I will book a flight to come get you."

She chuckled, "Le, it sounds like i'm off to summer camp and you're the concerned parent. I'll be fine and yes, i'll call and text every day. God knows that we can't go more than 6 hours without speaking to each other anyway."

Once they reached the airport, Grace checked in via one of the machines and proceeded to one of the counters to check in her suitcase. It was all done very prompt, and soon enough, Grace and Leon were faced with the task of saying goodbye. This was the worst part.

Leon sighed melancholically, propping his two arms either side of her shoulders and connecting his fingers around her neck. She slid her own arms around his waist. He spoke, "I can't believe you're spending Christmas in Paris and i'm stuck here in shitty little North-Rhine Westphalia."

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