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a/n; while events aren't accurate,,, i love this chapter so much! also im on a semi hiatus until wednesday from now bc i've got like a spanish speaking assessment and i need to remember literally 50 paragraphs lmfaooo!! also also my bébé saintdolce made this cute asf thing like so cute

a/n; while events aren't accurate,,, i love this chapter so much! also im on a semi hiatus until wednesday from now bc i've got like a spanish speaking assessment and i need to remember literally 50 paragraphs lmfaooo!! also also my bébé saintdolc...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

october twenty-third

THE DAY WAS MEANT TO BE all about Leon. It was the day of his season debut; it was the day he had been counting down to from the moment he felt the pain surge through him months ago in Brazil.

But evidently, he was too humble and entirely a people pleaser, so in a VIP box was his family of his parents, three sisters, their partners, their children and Leon's twin cousins Philip and Tobias. However, the footballer had been conspiring for a few weeks with Grace's family about one little thing in particular- but frankly, it was quite a big thing.

"Honey, when is your dad coming? We're very excited to meet him," Annette smiled over to her as they waited for the impending kick-off.

Grace cursed in her head, looking at her watch frantically, "He should be here! I told him to get here for at least 5:15-"

"It's alright, Grace. He must just be caught up with traffic or something," Konrad reassured from behind Anette, "You know how it is on match days."

Grace nodded, accepting their words but secretly a little annoyed at her dad for showing up late and not starting off with the best impression. She was sure that Leon's parents didn't mind at all, but for her, the meeting of their parents was an important thing. If all went to plan, and Gottverdammt she hoped it would, these people would become her in-laws.

Grace left the VIP lounge area to go to where there were seats on the balcony overlooking the pitch. His sisters, aside from Lidia, and their families were already sat, patiently waiting for kick-off. A few minutes passed of conversing with Lola when a different Goretzka sister approached her. With a genuine, wholehearted smile, Lidia placed her hands at Grace's shoulders and urged her to turn around, "Look who's here, Grace."

The possibility of her brother actually being at the Veltins-Arena did not cross her mind for even one second, because it all seemed far too absurd, but when Grace turned around, all she could see was the blinding smile of her darling brother, donning royal blue proudly.

The thing with Gale was that no, he wasn't getting much better. You could say the opposite in fact, but with each and every day, his smile grew wider and his demeanour brighter. He was the single most strongest person Grace, Leon and anybody who knew him knew because even if his cancer was destroying him relentlessly, he refused to cave in to the demons.

"What are you doing here?" Grace's eyes were streaming with tears as she attacked her brother that was in his wheelchair.

"I know i'm not doing better, but Leon promised he'd take me here, didn't he?" Gale grinned weakly, "Yesterday, when you were in Köln, he visited and told me he'd been setting this up with dad and the hospital and the club for weeks. He's so great, Grace."

state of grace ✦ leon goretzkaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ