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I can't believe this is ending.
This might be a little sad but it's bitter sweet.
Thank you much for reading, I never thought it'd get this much attention.
You have all helped me so much by brightening my day with your wonderful comments.
Thank you again.
With out further ado, the last chapter of Up.


Dear Evan Hansen,
Turns out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing week or an amazing year, because why would it be?

I know, because there's Zoe, and all my hope is pinned on Zoe, who I don't even know, and doesn't know me. Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be different at all. I wish everything was different.

I wish I was part of something. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. I mean face it, would anyone notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?

Your most best, and dearest friend, Me


Dear Evan Hansen,
Today you were found by an amazing boy.

...He was the stranger who saved my life...

...This poor broken boy...

...My first real friend...

...My knight in shining armour...

...He's perfect...

...I've never noticed until now how sticky blood is. Sticky. So very sticky...

...Her big brother...

...This boy was worse off than I thought...

...Anyone could see that he's not okay...

...Me and my friends...

...This is going to be a long night...

...That was cute...

...I loved when he called me that, even if it was just for show...

...I'm his little sensitive snowflake...

...Zoe says he'll come back. I'm not entirely convinced...

...God, I hope he keeps his word...

...Blood sure is red...

...Sticky and red, but we were safe...

...Silent but it was still safe...

...Jared can't seem to shut up. If only he knew this was no laughing matter...

...I'll never forget when I heard him say, "Daddy's little secret. Daddy's little angel."...

...My Connor. My poor, broken Connor...

...Connor's a light at the end of the tunnel...


Dear Evan Hansen,
Today is going to be a good day, and here's why. Because today, no matter what else, today at least you're you. No hiding, no lying. Just you. And that's enough.


Dear Evan Hansen,
This life is going to be a good life and here's why.
Because today, you found your old journal. You've graduated college and have an amazing fiancée.
You're both going to teach. You'll love and laugh.

Sincerely, until next time, me.


Dear Evan Murphy-Hansen,
Today you decided you're going to adopt a kid. His name's Michael and he seems so sweet.

...After all, we are not naming a kid Jared...

...I can't wait...

...It's nice to see my Connie looking out for people...

...Here we go...

...And he is. Our kid. Our boy. My boy...

...My little boy made a new best friend...

...Yeah. It is ferning hilarious...

...Michael said it doesn't matter what we're like, I loves us anyway....

...His player two...

...I think he thinks Jeremy is cute...

...He hates this school but it's hard to hate the teachers...

...I can almost smell the trouble brewing...

...Only one thing on his mind- his blue...

...The kettle boiled loudly but I could have sworn I heard a camera shutter...

...Jeremy Heere, you will be the death of him...

...Lost in a transe but I could swear I heard another camera shutter...

...The love of my life just broke my heart. I feel so empty it's surreal...

...Nothing gold can stay...

...I love you. Don't ruin this anymore...

...My eyes wouldn't open but I could hear the mumbling of, "My Evan. Where's my Evan?"...

...It's the least I could do...

...I trust him...

...Micha can't wait until graduation. He found his soulmate, big surprise, it was Jeremy!...

Maybe school never ends but that's okay.

Sincerely, your happiest, dearest friend, me.


Dear Evan Hansen,
Connor found your journal. He showed it to everyone and it was nice to remember.

Your son walked in with a diamond ring patch sewn onto his hoodie. You hugged him and never wanted to let go.

Michael and Jeremy got married and I cried buckets. Connie invited one of our old students, Peggy, and we caught up. She is the sweetest girl.

As time passes, you can feel yourself getting older.

With plenty of money saved, you moved back to your home town.

Your Mom died but she had a long, happy life. It was one of the saddest days of my life, but Connor stuck with me.

We got news that both our fathers had died in prison and we might have celebrated with a little too much wine.

Connor's Mom was last to go. We were beside her hospital bed when she died. I've never seen Connor and Zoe cry so much.

She's buried in the orchard, next to your Mom.

Micha and Jer adopted a kid and they are so precious. They remind me a lot of Michael. Their player 3, their purple.

Now you're old and grey. Connor still looks flawless.

He takes care of me and I take care of him.

Tonight, I can feel myself floating.

Connor, I love you so so mu-


Dear, Evan Murphy-Hansen,
I'll be with you soon.

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