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Thanks so much for almost 7k reads- I'm thankful for every single one of you.
I love going through all your comments, they make me really happy.
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I rushed to the science block. This isn't right- I've never kissed Evan. Not once.

My heart's doing flips as my stomach drops- I'm outside Alana's door.

I push it open and see her looking up from her computer at me. She pushed her glasses up and I gulped, "Alana I promise you that I would never-"

"I believe you." My eyes widened slightly as she comes up and meets me in the middle of the room, "It doesn't make sense."


"I'll show you later- I really think we should check on Connor and Evan though. I don't trust that Connor's taken this well- he's very headstrong."

"Okay." she grabbed my sleeve and led me out to our car. I got in the passenger side and Alana started to drive. It wasn't far.

She went a little over the speed limit which is very unusual for her; such a goodie-two-shoes.

"'Lana, we're not gonna catch Connor. He'll have left there by now for sure."

"Yeah." she took a long breath out, "Yeah, you're right."

We pulled up outside and I noticed that Connor's car wasn't outside- instead it was replaced with Jared's.

I knocked the door lightly and it was answered by Michael- by the looks of it he'd thrown his hoodie on just a moment ago. There were light tear streaks down his face.

"H-hey. Come in."

We said nothing, I just shared a brief nod with him and made my way to the kitchen where Evan and Jared sat.

And oh- the state of Evan.

His hair was messy, glasses abandoned on the table, misty eyed and hunched over a mug.

"Hey- no, buddy. It's gonna be okay." "Okay no Jared honestly not."

He just stared into his tea, a couple of tears dripping in and around it.

"H-hey Ev."

He looked up slowly, "Zoe?" Then his eyes met behind my shoulder, "Alana? Alana! I swear I-"

"I know. It doesn't make sense." She pulled out her phone, "Now look," We crowded around her, "Zoe doesn't own a watch, I know that much. Zoe may be flat but she's not manly- although Connor is kinda feminine. That jawline, sorry Zoe, is too sharp. That's Connor and the photo's been tampered with."

"Yeah but who'd do that?" Jared said, pushing up his glasses and crumbling something purple into his coffee.

"Maybe someone new to one of our lives- someone who wants one of us to themselves perhaps." Alana's eyes were determined and confident. This is the woman I love.

I heard a small forced cough from behind us, a figure leaning in the doorway, "If I may."

"What is it Mikes?" Evan asked with shiny eyes- whether from tears or hope, I may never know.

"Around the time the photo came out, I was in your class Zoe." he brushed his fingers through his hair, "There was someone around the edge of the room posting a photo. I didn't look because I didn't want to intrude but it does make sense and I-"

"Who was it Micha?" I almost shouted before my mind swelled with recollection. Michael recoiled slightly before opening his mouth.

In synchronization we said, "Reynolds."

"Shit." Jared whispered, "Oh, also there was this note that Connor left."

Alana snatched it- she gets like this when she's on a mission.

"You'll see me again... motel just past Q... hurt and betrayed... Before you met me it was all Zoe... Sincerely me." She stared at the note for a moment, "Just past Q. It's way too dangerous to go there now- not to mention it's like an hour drive. We'll go after school tomorrow."

"Oh god. He's never gonna forgive me." Evan whispered, almost inaudibly, I think I was the only one who caught it. I just patted him on the back and went to talk with Alana and then we went home.

*time skip brought to you by my power as an author*

What a day. Now we stand outside room 34 in a shady motel corridor. I'm honestly terrified.

Alana knocked on the door and we heard shuffling inside. The the door clicked open and we were met with such a sight.

A hunched figure with tired red eyes from crying. One arm was leaning on the doorframe. And oh the arms- Deep red gashes dried up next to tears. There's only one thing those tears could be from.

"Hey Alana. Hey Zoe." His voice was sharp with resent when he said my name. It's just like it used to be. When he screamed in his room and I thought he was just looking for attention, "What are you doing here? Come to rub it in my face? Alana you can join me if you want."

"Connor no."

"What? You actually believe her bullshit? I can't believe this- she cheated on you for fucks sa-"

"It's not true Connor."

We stood there a couple of seconds, "Connor. Your arms. What-"

"Immaculate. May as well come in. I feel like this is gonna take a while."

He stood aside and we walked in. I immediately noticed the three empty bottles on the ground and the cardboard circle discarded on the ground.

I swallowed hard, grabbing into my bag for some bandages, "I'll be a second."
I walked into the tiny grotty bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet, pulling out a half empty bottle of rubbing alcohol whilst trying to avoid the used needle and empty prescription bottle.

Alana was explaining the photo, "Connor, I put it back into photoshop and look," she swiped, "it's you."

"I don't remember that." He said. I grabbed his arms and he flinched but let me dress them.

"The day Reynolds pulled out the tape and you had a flashback. You should remember-"

"I remember. Shit. I fucked up. I fucked up." His eyes were down and for the first time in years he looked so broken. So vulnerable.

"I shouldn't tell you this but it's an insentive. We found him up a tree this morning with a note in his hands. One message to all of us: 'I'm sorry' and about 5 pages to you. It hurt to watch Connor so at the very least come to school, it's a half day."

I got up, Alana following suit. I picked up the broken plastic and metal from the floor and opened the door.

"J't'aime, mon frère. Au revoir."

I love you. Don't fuck this up anymore.

Up // Boyf riends and TreeBros ·· Soulmate AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora