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So this is a little rushed but I wanted some story in here.


Did I ever tell you how much I love school? How high was I when I told you?

I feel like the only redeeming thing is Christine. Oh Christine.

I think I love her. I know I love her. The way she moves, walks, talks. That's it. I'm signing up for theater club.

"Gay!" I heard Rich shout. I can read him though, he's practically eyefucking Jake.

My bag had the word boyf etched into it in thick black sharpie. What does that even-

"Hey Michael."

"What up Jer. I had a great time Friday night, thanks for coming over."

I blushed slightly and laughed awkwardly. Damn my dirty mind.

Oh I loathe that bell so much. Class time.

"Hey Jeremy."

"Hi?" I look at the tiny person infront of me. He's not as cute as Frank Iero, I thought cuteness was standard for his height.

Yeah, you can call me hot topic but I blame Michael's Dad entirely.

"Come with me Tallass, I mean- just- just come with me."

He led me to the bathroom. What the fuck.

"Look, my squip says I can trust you."

"Your what-"

"My squip. It's from Japan. It's a gray oblong pill, quantum nanotechnology CPU. It goes to your brain and helps you to not be a loser."


Then I saw him jump up onto the drenched sink countertop and start singing. There were guitars and everything. I don't want to know how. I was just focused on his blue tank top and the red streak in his hair. It's kinda jacked that I can't see any other colours. Then again, all I need is to kiss Christine.

"You are gonna take this right now, okay. Look, I wont charge, just take it. Get it and Christine's yours."

"How did you know?"

"It's pretty fucking obvious, dude."


"Just- here."

He thrust something into my hands and left the room quickly, mumbling something about Kermit the frog under his bed.

I heard the bell scream again. Woah what- it's been 2 hours already?

Lunch. Only now do I realise how hungry I am. Michael and I usually go and hang out in one of his Dad's class rooms.

I felt my phone vibrate.

Playerone.exe 👌👌

Meet me in home ech x

What's with that x? I mean I get he hates emojis cause they're normie as fuck but an x, really?

I hurried to the north building, passing resistant materials and graphic design as I went. I peeked into Mr Hansen's class room and saw Michael wave at me. His Pa was out of the room.

I walked in, sitting next to him and pulling out my lunch. I looked at my bag.

"Boyf? What does that even mean?"

I saw Michael grab his bag with a vacantly flustered and terrifed. He showed me.


Boyf reinds.

"I hate this school." I burried my flushed face into my sandwich.

"Hey boys!" Mr Hansen, entered the room with a pile of cookery books in his arms then he looked at us and our bags, "You can tell me who later."

He put the books down and took a picture with his phone, "This is going on the fridge." he winked.

I hate this school but it's hard to hate the teachers.

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