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Ah, procrastination.


We got in at around 4 to hear laughing from the basement.

Evan knocked on the door, "Boys, are you down there."

"Shit man! Put it under- yeah. Dude quick."

"I'm trying Jeremy Jesus Christ."

We heard rustling, Evan opened the door quickly. I know that smell, it's kinda nostalgic but- oh god.

"Boys!" I stormed down the basement stairs to find the two sitting very awkwardly by a beanbag, "Move aside."

"Um- h-hi Dmmh-Dad. What u-up?"

"Move, boys."

"Connor," I heard Evan come up to my ear, "Distract them."

I could tell he knew the smell too. I walked over to them and clicked my fingers in front of their faces.

I noticed Evan sneaking around the room up behind the beanbag, the boys looked confused but oblivious.

Evan was quick in throwing the beanbag across the room, exposing a baggie full of green.

"Boys, I am highly dissapointed in you."

"Please don't tell my Dad, Mr Murphy."

"I wont. As long as you let us have some."


"What, it's been years. Hey boys, aren't colours trippy?"

"Radical." "Dude what?" "I really think you boys have had enough."

"What up, fuckers!"

"Jared what the fuck are you doing here?"

I saw Michael check his phone and go pale. "I meant to send that picture to Jeremy."

"It looked lit so I thought I'd come join. Also Zoe and Alana are coming too."

"Fuck. Um. No. Yes. Maybe. Give me the joint Mikes."

"Connor no."

"Connor yes."

Long story short we all got high as fuck. We ordered pizza and Zoe confiscated our phones before we could do anything stupid.


As soon as I inhaled some of that smoke it brought me back.

Back to college. Connor looking artsy with a joint loosely in his mouth. I'd never smoked pot before but I thought one time wouldn't hurt.

We got back to our dorm. I made ramen while Connor found some cheesy chick flick.

We ate on the sofa cuddled under a blanket, he got a joint out, i took it. He looked kind of scared but handed me a lighter anyways.

The colours started changing. Purple became yellow. Green became brown. Blue became pink.

"Woah. What the- woah."

"I know right."

"This is crazy as spruce."

"I love how you don't swear. It's so cute."

I giggled. Wait what- no I sounded like a 13 year old girl, "Your hair looks so poofy. Can I touch it?"

I lifted my hand up to pat it, "Anytime Evvy."

He ducked down to kiss my forehead. It felt like one thousand tiny butterflies.

Wow I'm out of it. This is hazy as fern. His smile is so pretty but it's too white. Everythings twisting and I can feel myself falling asleep into Connor's chest.

"Mmh- Connie~"

"J't'aime mon petit cher."

He's never been more beautiful to me.

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