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Get ready for more angst and some f a m i l i a r faces ayyyyy.

A sleepless night staring through the window. It's so much colder without him next to me. The rain pours down as I see teenagers stumble past in their skimpy clothing.

I heard a knock as the door. Michael was asleep as far as I knew, so I went down the stairs slowly and quietly.

I opened it gingerly. I'm too tired to think of all of the outcomes, this has just numbed my senses.

I love him. I need him.

I saw a woman in a red dress and cardigan with an umbrella in her hands. Her lips stained red as she said, "I know you are a good man. I'm so sorry to bother you at home but I don't know where to go- I came here all alone."

"Mariah, it's late. What could you possibly need?"

"My husband's doing me wrong, beating me, cheating on me, plain mistreating me. Now he's up and gone and I don't have the means to go on."

I could have sworn she was flaunting, "I have like twenty bucks if you want it."

"You're too kind sir. But oh won't you please walk me home?"

Excuse. Think of an excuse, Evan.

"I'm sorry but I really need to stay here."

"What? Why?!"

"I'm- I'm sorry. I'm not having a good time right now."

"I could show you a good time."

She pushed herself into the doorway and grabbed my face, "No!"

"What? You can't say no to me. No one ever says no to me."

"Get out. Get out of my house."


"You have the audacity to come here and do that?" I pushed her back out the door. She looked fuming, "I'm sorry about your husband but I don't need consoling. Goodbye Mariah."

Then I shut the door in her face and walked up the stairs to footsteps down the basement ones.

At least Michael might think I'm an honest person. I fell asleep to that. I might at least get a few hours in.

The summer rain kept drizzling as I got up and ready, calling down for Michael. He got up and drove me part way to school before I got up and walked.

"See you third period, Pa. I'll skip PE. You got a free, right?"

"Yeah, Okay Mikes. It's nearly the end of term anyway."

I walked to school in silence. Walking doesn't clear the mind like they say, quite the opposite really.

When I got to school it was an eerie quiet. I took my umbrella down and entered my classroom. My lightbulb flickered.

Connor was my lightbulb. Now he's flickering, deciding he doesn't want to light my world anymore.

"Knock knock, Hansen."

"Hi Jared."

"The girls got Connor to come in today. He said he'll come talk to you after school."


"Yeah. Well, I should go. I got a business lesson to teach."


I will never understand him. How he managed to discover the cure for cancer of all things, I'll never know. One day this patient was bathing and the next they were cured.

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