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Get readyyyyyyy


Ev was recovering quickly. He'd be fine to go to prom and yearly drama production. His cast got in the way when his stitches needed to be taken out and that was a really painful experience but it was for the best.

Evan was recovering and that's what mattered.

I heard so many rumors in the two weeks leading up to them, "Well I heard that he fled to Bombay... Obviously to hide his super gay romance with Mr Murphy... Totally! Mrs Murphy was just a cover-up!... Nah, guys, I heard he got shot in the head... Oh my god, he is totally dead!"

Some kids actually came and asked if he was okay to which I replied, "He's doing okay now, don't worry about him."

Sometimes he wakes up in a cold sweat.

"Ah! Oh my god!" his hands flew up to his face as I jolted awake.

"Baby? What is it?" I pulled him into a tight hug.

"It was so real. They were right there. They were-"

"Shh, baby, i know. Lay back down. It's just a dream."


"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around~"

"You're so cheesy, I love you."

"I love you more. Goodnight, sweetheart."

He fell asleep in my arms and I just stayed awake for a while, looking at his peaceful face.

Then there was that evening. The evening of the drama production.

We were a couple hours off leaving when I heard a door lock upstairs, "Mikes, you alright?" I called up.

No answer.

"Michael?" Evan looked up at me from the kitchen table with a worried expression. He put down his tea and joined me at the bottom of the stairs.

Michael always answered back down in some way, sometimes we called up just to annoy him but this time there was a heavier feeling in the air. You could tell something would go wrong, so very wrong.

"Mikey, sweetie, you okay?"

Dead silence.

"Michael?" He glanced at me and walked up the stairs slowly; gingerly even.

I followed him wordlessly. When I saw the bathroom door closed, I shivered. Micha.

Evan swallowed hard and knocked, "Mikey honey, are you okay?!"

"I'm-I'm sorry, Pa."

"Michael, please come out of there."

It was almost unspoken. We both knew what he was going to do, "Mikey, baby, it's not worth it! Just take some deep breaths and open the door for me."

"I love you. Both of you." Then the hiss of pain he let out made my stomach flip over.

"Micha!" Evan pushed his body against the door's handle trying in a vein attempt to get the door open. I knew what this was about, I knew who this was for.

He seemed okay. I should have known. It's all for that stupid boy. I guess I didn't think about him as much as Evan, but Evan nearly died.

Then again, Michael saw it. Michael saw all of it. He saw the blood, the knife, the gun. God, I'm so ignorant. This is all my fault.

I stepped aside, pulling out my phone, scrolling through my contact list:

Mr Heere 🏈

"Hey Paul, uh- yeah. Can you ask Jeremy to come over, like, now? Michael really needs him. Thanks, yeah, Bye. Bye."


Get out of my head! Just give me an hour alone!

Fine, but after that, you must go to the school. This play could be it. Christine~

Yeah, yeah, whatever. Christine, great.

"Jeremy! Michael's Dad called, says it's important!"

"Wh- oh god. Thanks Dad!" I ran down the stairs, almost tripping, and straight out the door.

I grabbed my bike and started peddling.

Lately, Michael's all I've been able to think of. Once I got to know Christine, I realized how different she was than I thought.

She was such an- airhead as a nice way to put it. I seemed to lose intrest after the first month. I thought she was just clumsy and dorky but she's just straight up clown.

I feel so bad about Michael. He's consumed my waking days. That thing in my head's been blocking him out and shocking me every time he's even close, everytime I even think about him.

I need him. I can't seem to function without him. I think I love him.

My mind seems to move faster than my pedals but I got there in about ten minutes. Record time.

I let myself in, looking up the stairs where I heard pleas that made my insides physically twist, "Micha! Don't! Please baby, open the door! Open the d-"

I heard sobs of pure pain and bangs on the bathroom door. Michael. No. Not Michael.

"Jeremy, thank god your here. He needs you. He wants you."

Mr Murphy tapped his husbands shoulder and led him downstairs in tears.

"Michael, I-"

"You fucking asshole!"

"I deserve that but-"

"I'm not done!" I shivered slightly, "Jeremiah Heere, I hate you. I hate you so much that I can't help but fall in love with you. Watching you walk by ignoring me. People stared, Jeremy, people started talking. You are my reason and my life, Jer, I love you so much that I want to die! I don't even care that you don't feel the same way becuase for twelve years, you actually made me feel wanted; Loved. I'm sorry Jeremy, but I-"

"I love you too." I blurted out. I think I love him. I know I love him, "That defective floppy disk's been blocking you out and I couldn't get it to stop it gave me an hour and it's gonna come back. I figured out how much I need you."

He let out some sort of hysteric short laugh, "Jeremy, go to the play."


"It's coming back, go to the play." I heard a breif whisper, "I'll see you there."

I heard the sink turn on. I walked downstairs wordlessly, nodding to Mr Murphy, who's arm was around Mr Hansen at the kitchen table.

I trust him.

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