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So I was sitting in the car while writing this. My parents were in the shop so it was just me and the car alarm went off.
I fuxking jumped.
Also I finished writing this in class- we're not usually allowed our phones and I'm scared my teacher's going to want to read this.


In the morning, my head hurt to say the least.

Still, I meant it when I said I wanted to adopt a kid.

After some aspirins and a warm cup of tea with two sugars and extra milk (Connor had black coffee and then started to paint his chipping nails) we looked into the adoption.

I had found a website for a fairly local orphanage and we looked at the poor kids.

Janice- 13 - very happy child. Full of joy but quite a handful. Chatterbox.

Felicia- 8 - full of life. Can be quite angry if she doesn't get her way. Very active.

Michael- 5 - very reserved. Very keen learner. Quiet because of what happened at previous home. Very understanding towards other kids.

"I want that one."

"Connor. It's not a dog. You can't just-"

"Look- at the bottom it says we can arrange an appointment. Can we?"

"Sure. Why not?"

We booked an appointment for the next day (Monday) after work. And then sat down to mark more homework.

"Hey Connor, this kid thinks that chicken is a type of fish."

"Well, Evan, this kid thought a quaver was a bag of cheese chips."


We both giggled and then started laughing, Evan has come out of his shell so much. He bakes more than he likes to admit but takes them in for his classes. Mr Hansen's chocolate cookies were all the rage amongst kids, he even made cake if it was someones birthday.

We fell asleep on the couch, him on my lap and me sprawled out. We met when we were 17, I never thought I'd marry him at 20 and be adopting a kid with him 5 years later.

We woke up early out of habit and got ready for work, Evan refused to wear his glasses again. He doesn't really need them now but if he doesn't wear them then he will.

We got to work, me dropping him off a little earlier as to not arouse suspicion from the students and because he liked the walk. I went and put my paperwork in my classroom and went to meet Evan outside eith his.

"Hey, Ev." We made sure no one was around. I handed his paperwork over, "So I have a free period 4th period, Can I come and say hi to the class?"

"Sure. I have a free period 6th so I'll drop by and we can head home together?"

"Sure. Hey, maybe 'sure' will be our 'always'."

"Connor Andrew Murphy-Hansen. Stop right there."

"I can see kids over there so I'm gonna go prep my lesson."

"See you in a couple hours?"

"See you in a couple hours."

I can't wait.

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