"I didn't, it's all just a matter of waiting. Fate had it's plans already." Fukase replied smirking at you as you both watched the others slowly trickling in. It'd take a few role calls before they discovered you were both gone and it was then that Fukase slid the key in the ignition, twisting and putting the car in reverse.

It was then you noticed a faint smell, nothing to really confirm what it could be, but it smelled faintly like rust. Like a bunch of old pennies. You looked over your shoulder in the back and looked but found no sourced of what the smell could be. "What's that smell?" You asked then before sitting straight back in your seat and noticed the pursing of Fukase's lips then he looked at you in surprise.

"What smell?" He asked pleasantly as he drove in the direction of his house rather than your apartment that you shared with mom and the occasional family member visiting.

"That little faint rusty smell. Like a bunch of old pennies." You voiced out the exact thoughts then looked at him when he looked surprised and then took a risky look at you, his surprise evident, and he then looked forward blinking. Just that action got your mind distracted with how long and rather feminine his dark red lashes were and you wished you had lashes like his.

"I'm not sure." He replied as he drove and shifted. "I'll check it out when we get to my place, okay? It could just be that the car is slightly used. It is a rental while my car is in the shop."

That was right, how could you forget? Apparently you and Fukase had gotten in an accident one night a month ago and the trauma to your head, which had slammed off the dashboard then into the window cracking it with the spinning and somersault the car did erased your memory. All you knew was what Fukase told you and it'd brought you closer to each other but you wondered why it would take so long for one car to be repaired.

"Yeah, that's probably it." You noted as you looked out the window but took a peek at Fukase who was drumming his fingers lightly while driving. Though you had anxiety getting in cars at night, during the day it was perfectly fine and you trusted Fukase. Trusted him with your safety even if the others did. Others being family and friends. You believed, deeply, that he would never hurt you or let anyone harm you.

"I'll make a note to call the dealership and tell them." Fukase said to put something at ease and the rest of the ride was silent, other than Fukase reaching to turn the radio on then grab your hand. You knew you'd probably spend the night, not an uncommon occurrence, if it was too late or dark by the time you decided to do so.

You decided to remain quiet the rest of the ride until his house came into viewing distance. School and his home weren't that far, just fifteen minutes away and this ride went quickly, making you wonder where the time went. You held onto Fukase's hand tightly, threading your fingers with his and watched the soft, rather happy smile forming on his lips as he drove. Lips that you'd kissed a thousand times and lips that shaped the words you so adored to watch fall out of his mouth, bad or good.

You unbuckled yourself from the seat and stepped out of the car smiling when you were hit with a wave of deja vu and shut your door with Fukase hopping out, key in hand and smiling. Something wasn't right. You walked to the house, your hand sliding back into Fukase's and yet the closer you got to his house the deeper that pit in your stomach got as dread spread through your body. Like someone was screaming 'get away from here, you idiot!' and shaking you but you couldn't see the source.

You walked up to the walk way, trying to shove the dread down but it was as successful as shoving a fist in your mouth. Fukase unlocked the front door and you followed him in when he smiled at you kindly. "Would you like a drink?" He asked turning to you as you shut the door and he grabbed your hands.

Just Say You Love Me! (Yandere Vocaloids x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now