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(Y/n) POV

I woke up with a major head ache I went to my bathroom and got some pills i then went to the kitchen and saw everyone. "Morning". I said. Getting my flask and taking the pills. "You were all wasted". Sam said. "I bet". I said. "I haven't had a migraine like that since Florida". I said. Sam laughed at me. "You're taking pills with liquor"? Raph asked. "Naw it's water. I poured the liquor out". Sam said. "I ain't even mad tho". I said. "You hungry"? Sam asked. "Naw. I can't eat today anyway. I have a hunt". I said. "Without me"?  Sam asked. "Sorry Sam. This thing happens to be something not on your level". I said. "What the fuck you mean not on my level"? He said. "Look. This thing is really dangerous-". I was cut off by Raph.

"You can't leave anyway". "What the fudge you mean I can't leave"? I asked. "You're still grounded". Mikey said. "Well I just ungrounded myself". I said. "It doesn't work like that". Donnie said. "Ok, let's get this straight. First of all Im a hunter I'm suppose to kill things. Im here to protect to world. So I'm gonna go and kill Lucifer right now and come back with his head". I said. Sam dropped his plate. "Wait. Wait. Hold the freak up. You're going to go try and kill Satan. By yourself with no help"? Sam said.

"No she's not". Raph said. "Ok. You wanna play this game"? I asked. "Yeah". Sam said. "Can't no one keep me from doing this. Even if I die I'm taking Lucifer with me. And if anybody got a problem we can meet up anywhere". I said. "I got a problem". Raph and Sam said. I rolled my eyes. "What are you even going to kill him with"?  Sam asked. "Well I might interest you into a new type of blade that I just found out about reading Grandfathers journal. "It's the arch angel blade". I said smirking. "Where is that"? Sam asked. "Where did I go when I died"? I asked. "My god. It's in hell"? Donnie asked. "Yep so I got to make a quick stop to purgatory, then I'll go to hell then I'll find the portal and be back on Earth. Easy". I said. "What the fuck"!? Sam yelled. "You can't go, it's gonna be weeks before you get back".  Sam said. "To bad. You know I can't risk your life Sammy. Go to college be normal". I said. "Wait is this just to get back at me"? Sam asked. "What"? I said. "You're doing this cause I want to go to school"!? Sam yelled. "No"! I yelled.

"Yes you are. If you don't want me to go just say something". Sam said. "Your being way to dramatic Sam". I said. "No. I can't believe this dad wouldn't like that". He said. I tensed up at this and frowned. "Your fucking dad is dead Sam. Just get it threw your head. Dad has always loved you and shit. You think you know everything but you really don't know shit. You remember when I was teaching you to fight and stuff. And I would always have to do extra work. Well that's just because dad hated me. The bitch basically beat me to death everyday. When I was 7 and you didn't see me for a week and I came back with fucking scars was from me being kidnapped? Well news flash, that bitch had me in the basement working my ass off and everytime I messed something up he would cut me or whip me. So since you think you fucking dad is a superhero I would hate to see what you'll become in the future". I said. Sam looked at me teary eyed. "Yeah put ya know Sam the only good thing that came out of that shit. Was my will to tolerate abuse, pain, loneliness, and tight spaces, and prison cells. Cause to be honest that motherfucker truly didn't give a flying fuck about you. I had to steal from people like I do know just to have made you a damn peanut butter and banana sandwich, I always made sure you ate before me I took care of you better than I took care of myself. I only ate once every week. You everyday". I said. Sam was now crying. Sam walked out. I looked at everyone else who just stood there shocked. "Princess, I'm so sorry". Raph said. "Ain't nobody as sorry for me the  myself Raph". I said. Sam came back in and sat down. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I so stupid". Sam said. "It's ok. I just I'm sorry for telling you those things. I promised I wasn't gonna do that". I said. "Ok it's obvious you two have a very fucked up pass". Leo said. "Teens shouldn't be held for this type of stress". Donnie said. "I don't even think pizza can help this". Mikey said. "I wish we could do something". Raph said. hugging me.

"No it's ok. I don't think it's anything you guys can do we love all of you. So it's our job to protect you from what we may have put on you". I said. "Good thing a Winchester is the best at solving things". Sam said. "I think I'm gonna lay off beer for awhile". I said. "Yeah, and I should read up into the supernatural some more". Sam said. "Ok who wants pizza"! Mikey yelled. "Me"! I yelled. Everyone laughed. Raph kissed my cheek making me frustrated. He snickered at me, kissing my lips. I smiled. No one was paying attention to us.

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