realizing your feelings(both)

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(Y/n) POV)

Man, I hate school. I watched and saw my little brother looking down in a book. And people point at him. I growled. And they looked away, I spoke to him. "Hi, Sammy"! "Hey". He responded sadly, I guess he was being bullied. I'm not like all the other kids who go here. I like to talk to my brother.

I walked over to him. "What's wrong"? I asked him. " One kid called me a freak". He said. "So? If you're a freak I'm a freak." I told him smiling. "(Y/n) whose Raph"? He asked me taking my phone out his pocket. "O. Um...a friend". I was getting flustered a little. 'What the hell. I never get flustered' I thought for a minute 'Do I like Raph.

"Are you gonna leave too"? He said then paused. "Just like mom and dad"? "No. I won't ever I promise Sammy". He had a doubtful look. The replaces it with a smirk. " Yoouu liiiike hiim". he said. I got flustered again. "No I don't you bitch". I said. "Jerk". he told me. The bell rang and we went to class.

(Raph's POV)

I was training in the dojo when all of a  sudden Mikey ran in screaming. I yelled at him "What the shell, Mikey"! "Raph! Evil Pizza run!" I growled at him and he ran. Something exploded and I ran to Donnie's Lab, and everyone else was there.

"What happened"! Leo yelled. "It just blew up on me"! Donnie yelled. "Mikey why are we all yelling"! Mikey yelled. "Shut up Mikey"! Everyone yelled but him. He cowered and sighed. "Donnie this is the third times this week". Leo sighed. "I know, I know sorry". My T phone went off which freaked everyone out.

I saw who was calling me it said +Princess+ it was (Y/n). A tint of pink covered my check. I quickly hid it. "Ooo, who is it"? asked Mikey. "None of your business shell for brain". I said and stormed off to my room. 'Why did I blush'? 'Do I like (Y/n)'? I thought. 'But we just meet, I'll wait to see if these feelings grow'

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