014 The End (I will have a sequel btw)

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Three years later (early July)


Third Person POV

Alex and John were still together three years later. Alex led John to the Starbucks where they first met on July 7, the day they met.

"Okay. I know we met oddly and crazy shit happened along with us eventually falling in love. We met, dated, were chased, killed people, and then went laser tagging with friends all in one week," Alex told John, who was sipping on his frappuccino.

"Yeah. But our lives worked out miraculously, as if we're in some weird fanfiction by an amateur, depressed fifteen year old," he replied. (jOhn stop) "And I-"

"But I-" Alex accidentally said, overlapping John. "You go first."

"Well, Alex, I brought you here for a reason. We're at the Starbucks where we first met. On the day we first met, but three years later." Alex took a sip of his venti black coffee as John continued. "I just want you to know that I love you. I have felt that way for three years. And now I have a quick question."


"It's kind of a silly question, really."

"John, there are no silly or stupid questions. Wait. Really there are. Whatever. Continue."

"Well, on that note, Alex, love..." He stood up from his chair and grabbed something from his pocket. "Will you- er wait." He sighed at himself for forgetting to kneel down. Duh. "Alexander Hamilton, will you make me the happiest turtle in the whole wide world and marry me?" He opened the box to reveal a cute lil ring with a pretty feather quill pen thing to represent Alex's love for writing.

Alex was crying. "Oh my god I was going to ask you today too." He took out a box with a ring that had a turtle on it, obviously.

"Oh jesus. I fucking love it. So yes?"

Alex wiped his face. "Yes! Hell yea! Hell fucking yea!" He kissed John, who was now crying as well. Oh my.

"Alex said hell yea. Alex said hell yea. I'm going to marry Alex. Because he said hell yeaAAHHH."

"What the heck did I do?" He laughed and wrapped his arms around John's waist.


Kingbury happened. They started dating the day after the hot pocket incident. They were adorable. The two had started living together two years after they started dating. Of course, King surprised Sam with a puppy. They weren't sure what breed it was, but it spoke more eloquently than thee ;)

Washington got sent to jail for all that shit. He'd be there for a long time. He wouldn't be bothering Alex or John ever again. Jefferson and Burr were dead, so..

Angelica found a wealthy husband who would keep in comfort for all her days.

Peggy and Maria kept dating and would eventually get married soon after Lams did.

Eliza had a boyfriend now too. They started dating a year ago. The waiter from Olive Garden, James Madison. (ok did I mention his name in the last chapter? if not, that's who he was supposed to be.. sorry lol)

Lafayette became a flight instructor at Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego, a school that is locally known as Top Gun. Although his partner, in flying and romantically, had been dead for three years, Laf decided to keep flying. He loved doing that, even though he did it for hitmen. It had always been a passion of his.

And at the end of the day, everyone, mostly, lived happily ever after.




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