006 The Deadline (+slight Kingbury stuff)

168 10 11

July 10


King called me on my phone to tell me to go to Washington's office. Why he didn't just go to the top of the stairs and shout my name, I'm not sure. Whatever.

I went down and was immediately faced with King's stupid face. "Hurry up."

"I would but you're in my way," I said smirking.

He rolled his eyes and moved. George started talking the second I walked in. "So, have you done it?" He seemed calm.


"That Laurens kid. He taken care of?" Still calm.

"Oh." I tried to think of a excuse. None. I'll just think of a elaborate and meandering nonsense story that he'll be confused by. "Well, you see, I was going to his house but I stepped in shi-"

"So no?"

I sighed. "No."

He sighed as well, not calm. "Well I'm giving you one. More. Day." I nodded. "One day. Tomorrow, he'd better be dead. No excuses. You hear?"

I nodded again and walked out.


Samuel POV (ooh)

I was sitting in my office on my computer looking at cute dogs on google images. I forgot to close the door that separated my office from King's. He walked in quietly and luckily I switched the tab before he saw. I think.

"Hey Sammy."


"Just a nickname. Kinda slipped out I guess. Whatcha up to?"

I looked at my computer. I went to the tab I was ordering more paper towels and hand soap on. I was like George's assistant or intern or something. "Just ordering, like, paper towels and stuff."

He leaned forward on the back of chair to view the screen with me. Wow his face was no more than three inches from my cheek.

"Ah. And what's that tab? 'cute dogs - Google Images' looks very professional."

"Oh. Uh. I just like dogs...so," I mumbled. I'm quiet usually.

"Aww. Click on it," he pointed. I clicked. "Aw. Golden retrievers are cute. Oh my, a corgi! And look, this one's name is Sam!"

I laughed. "See? Dogs."

"You're adorable, Sam."

"Oh?" I blushed.

"Which one's your favorite?"

I pointed to one of an akita named Evita. Aw, apparently Evita died. I wonder how. I frowned.

"Aw." King pulled his chair right next to mine. "Well you're cuter."

I giggled. "Naww."



Some cutesy Kingbury stuff to help prepare you for the more intense shit.. :)

Also, thank you to everyone reading this. And the supportive things y'all are saying. By that I mean all of y'all threatening to smack Alex.

Like you guys like this? Wowzaa.

Thank you so muchhh. Ily❤️

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