009 (The Calm Before) The Storm

161 12 13

July 11


Alex POV

"So those two guys in there are Hercules and Marquis de Lafayette. I assume you can tell who's who," I chuckled.

He nodded nervously. He turned red again. That nervous and upset red. I felt bad. "Okay, look I'm sorry. You look scared..? I feel bad, but I'm honestly trying to protect you. I was supposed to murder you and I didn't, so they're going to kill me, you, or both of us. Someone's gonna die. I'm just hoping it's not you."

"You don't have to feel bad. And yeah scared. But I know you didn't want to be like, well, all this."


"You said you'd explain later. Is it later?" He shifted in his seat.

"Sure. Well they tracked me, probably by my phone, and that's how they found me. I'm not sure if they bugged me or something. They probably did because how else would they have heard me and come running? I had until midnight, too." I wasn't comforting him at all. "Anyway, I'm gonna stop there because I don't want to scare you, um, anymore than I may have already."

I looked outside and noticed the greyness. And wetness. Then the plane shook. "Uhhhh, Hercules how do you say, uhh?? Turbulence! We're trying to get away from a storm right now, so stay calm."

I yelped when the lightning struck and the thunder boomed. John looked over and I think the asked if I was okay. I ran to the bathroom and closed the door. Shit, I'm claustrophobic too. HeLp....

I went back out into the cabin, where John was now standing. He walked up to me, holding his seat for balance. He pulled me into a hug and sat back down. I started crying and flinching every time thunder burst my eardrum.

In the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet. For just a moment, a yellow sky.

I was twelve when my mother died.

She was holding me. We were sick and she was holding me.

I couldn't seem to die...

I tried to let go of John and push myself off of him. My mother used to hold me like this. She's dead. I can't have John dead too. That's why I'm in this fucking plane.

My breath hitched and he started whispering things into my ear like "Shh it's okay," and "I'm here. You'll be okay." It calmed me a little.

After about ten more minutes, the storm was letting up. More accurately, we were leaving the stormy area.

Lafayette announced out descent over the loud speaker. I sat up, still sitting on John, and said, "I'm sorry." He rubbed my back and shrugged.

"For what?"

"I had a panic attack because of a storm. You were totally fine. I made it difficult."

"Made what difficult?"

"I don't know." I buried my face into his shoulder. He smells like coffee still. I slowly started to drift off to sleep. Then I was pretty much just asleep. It was nice.

Then John's arm moved which woke me up slightly. He was talking. To me? "I know you're asleep now, but I wanna say what I was gonna say earlier. I think I'm like in love with you. And-"

Without thinking, I added, "I love you too, John."

He jumped. "What the frickle frackle?? Uh hi. You're awake. That's cool." He did finger guns. AWW.

I yawned and smiled. "Yeah. I'm awake."

"Do you really?"


"You love me?" He looked straight (gAY) into my eyes.

"Oh. Well yeah."

"Oh. Thanks?"

"Thanks?" I tilted my head.

"Never mind. I just don't hear that very often anymore."

"Me neither."

We sat there quietly until the plane landed.



Ok I might add something really heart-wrenching and angsty then interrupt it with Kingbury fluff.



See ya in the next chapter ily 

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