012 The LooOve <3

136 13 32

July 12 (Afternoon-evening-ish)


John POV

Ten or so minutes after the plane situation, the ambulance came to get Alex and Hercules. The police also came to get Washington, Jefferson, and Burr.

The police officer questioned Lafayette and me, then Washington was arrested after they found out what had happened.

(ok idk how murder and police stuff works my guys. hang in there.)

I was just anxious. I wanted to see Alex. Lafayette wanted to see Hercules.

When Lafayette finally got a call, we got to the hospital as quick as we could. Thankfully there weren't any cops on the road heh.

The lady at the desk had curly brown hair and wore red scrubs. She looked familiar. Her name tag said Maria. "Good afternoon, can I help you?"

Lafayette started to speak French, but he corrected himself. "We came to see Hercules Mulligan and Alexander Hamilton."

"Okay. Are you two direct family?"

"I am Hercules' boyfriend. John is Alex's," he said pointing to me.

She nodded. "Okay. So you are Marquis de Lafayette and John Laurens, correct?" We nodded. "Alright, right this way. Mr. Hamilton is in room 1776. Mr. Mulligan is in room 1781, but he is in critical condition. They gave me that information not even five minutes ago."

"So can I visit?"

"I am afraid not. Not at this time," Maria said, frowning. "Alexander is doing a bit better, though, if you'd like to see him?"

I nodded. Lafayette did the same.


Alex's face when I said that I had shot Jefferson was a mix of surprise and maybe him being proud of me? He also looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"They arrested Washington too. Burr and Jefferson are dead."

"What about Herc?" He looked to Lafayette.

"He was shot by Jefferson. He is in critical condition," he answered with a quiet, devastated voice.

As if on cue, the nurse, Maria, walked in. "Mr. Lafayette? May we speak with you?" Lafeyette followed her out into the hallway.

I told Alex I was traumatized. He sat up and engulfed me in a weak hug. He apologized as he had been for the past two days. "You don't have to keep saying that."

"S- um okay."

"You want to say it again, don't you?"

"Very much so, yes." He giggled softly because it probably hurt.

"Do you still want to be a hitman?"

"Ugh of course not." He paused. "You still like me?"

"Ugh of course," I said as he started to fall asleep. "I love you, Alex."

"Love you too, Joh.." he trailed off sleepily.


Lafayette POV

Oh mon dieu. Oh mon dieu.

(Translation: 'Oh my god. Oh my god.' You're welcome.)

I screamed.

John POV

Screaming? Was that Lafayette? Yeah, I saw him through the little window in the hospital room door.

Was Hercules okay? He seemed worried.

No. That was a scream full of heartbreak and despair.

Maria put a hand on his shoulder and he pushed it off. She looked at him sympathetically and was saying something to him. He calmed down a tad, but he was still red in the face and teary eyed.

Maria came into Alex's room as soon as Laf had calmed down even more. "Mr. Laurens, Mr. Hamilton, I have received news that Mr. Mulligan is officially dead."

Alex was still asleep, but I almost fell off of the bed. "He.."

"I'm very sorry..."


LooooooL I'm not ;)

Jk I'm like crying,, again????? Not okay-

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