002 The Gun

275 16 6

July 06


Alex POV

I walked out of my room and back down to the basement. I was still planning, but I had a question for George, er Washington.

On my way, two people I dislike started taunting me. One was George King, but people just call him King to lessen confusion with George Washington. The other was his little sidekick, Samuel Seabury. Sam was dependent on King and he was so whiny.

"Hamilton, what island are you from again?" King asked.

I sighed, "Nevis."

"Never even heard of it. Must be small. Like you," he purred.

I looked forward and tried to walk away. They followed. "Could you guys not?"

"Hey Alexander, why is George so nice to you? Are you like his son or something?" Sammy asked.

I tensed up. I hate being called son. It reminds me of my dad and I hated him. It reminds me of my mother and I loved her but she died and left. It reminds me of George and how he acted like my dad until he started training me to shoot guns and plan murders.

"No," I replied coldly.

"Aw. Well if not, he probably felt obligated to take you in. Like why pick you, some short little guy who can't-"

"I'm taller than you! And I can do anything you fuckers can do, so leave me to fuck alone," I shouted.

King frowned. Not a real one. It was a fake pout that might as well have been a scowl. "Alex, don't say that. We're your friends. We're just trying to figure out-"

"You're not my friend," I pointed at King. Then to Sam. "You're not my friend. No one here is my friend. You're all just antagonizing me to make me feel small. Just get away from me now."

"Or what? Sam asked.

I punched him. In the face. He deserves it. They know, everyone knows, what I came from and why I'm here now. Washington has even told them not to be dicks about it. He doesn't care anymore. He just sits in his office all day and does nothing about anything for anyone.

That was when Aaron Burr, another person I hate, came out his little office. "You punched Sam?"


"What the fuck man, so desperate for attention," he smirked.

Thomas Jefferson came out too. "Hey leave him alone," he joked, resting his elbow on my head. He was easily a foot taller than me. I pushed off his hands.

"Leave the boy alone. He's used to it!"

"But what about his family? Ha."

"What family?"

"What made Washington take you here?"

"Yeah, it was probably just pity."

I held back tears as they talked about everything they know I hate talking about. And they said everything so mockingly. I backed up a few steps to the desk where a gun sat. I placed my hands on it and grabbed it.

"What's the poor bastard doing now?"

"Stop! Shut the fuck up! All four of you! I'm serious."

"Or what..?"

I held the gun tightly and slowly brought it up in front of me, aiming for Jefferson or King, since they would be the easiest right then. I didn't know what I was doing. This was hard. The gun was getting heavier and I was getting more nervous.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on in here?" Washington.

"I just-"

"Meet me inside my office." He looked at the four standing behind him. "You four, stop messing with him. You're no better than him. At least he is smart." He sighed. "Stop fucking with his past. I will stop you.. You know this."

With those last two vague statements, he walked back into his office. "Alex, son, why were you holding them at gunpoint?" Despite the calm sentence, his tone was not calm. He was angry.

"Don't call me son." I paused. "They were patronizing me. They're being intransigent!"

"And why shoot them? Who were you aiming at? Burr? Don't- well Burr, whatever. But they are my hitmen who I need for this dark business to work, son."

"I'm not your son."

"Go up to your room or to your office or whatever. Stay away from them." His eyes flashed something that looked like sympathy for only a millisecond, then it faded back to no emotion whatsoever.

I said nothing as I walked out.

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