011 BOom

159 12 20

July 11 (11:59 pm)



Four shots were fired almost simultaneously.

Jefferson shot Hercules.

John shot Jefferson.

Burr shot himself...after shooting Hamilton.


John POV

Bang bang. I shot him down.

Bang bang. He hit the ground.

Bang bang. That awful sound.

Bang bang... Alex?

I didn't move. I couldn't. The shots were so loud. They were still ringing in my ears. Was I crying? Who knows?

I shot someone. Someone shot Alex.

Lafayette had collapsed over Hercules as he fell. I didn't know they were boyfriends. Unless you just kiss your co-pilot's face and hands over and over?

I couldn't move. The were two definitively dead bodies in front of me, then two more who were barely alive. I was definitely crying at this point.

Lafayette had apparently gotten up, called an ambulance, and attempted to comfort me while I was mind-rambling.

"Hm, you name was John, you say?" He waved his hand in my face. "Earth to, well, you?"

"Hrmmrrm," was all that came out. Incoherent mumbling.

The one and only boyfriend I've ever had in my whole life that hadn't cheated, been abusive, drank/done drugs, been horrible..that one and only was now almost dead.


wE iNteRrupT tHis anGsTY ShiT to BriNg yOu soMe qUaLity fLuff ❤️

Samuel POV

While I waited for my hot pocket to heat up, I grabbed a glass of water. George, Thomas, and Aaron were gone, so it was really just me and King here. Heh. It's fiNEEE.

He walked into the kitchen just as I grabbed my hot pocket from the microwave. Ahhh.

"Hey Sam. Hot pocket?"


"Nice. Just make sure you let it cool before yo-"

I bit into it immediately. It was so hot.....likeKingamirite.....I started panting and trying to get it out of my mouth. Instead it went further down.


"Hrhhhaghhghgtrrre," was what came out. It was supposed to be "help I'm choking on my hot ass hot pocket."

He noticed, then, what was happening. "Oh wait."

He went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. More like my ribs, but okay. He started squeezing quickly to help me. He's helping me ohhhh ahhhh.

I coughed up the demon chunka hot pocket. I was panting and coughing still, when he let go. "Th-Thanks."

"No problem." He made a small smile before leaning against the counter. He looked so cool and smooth as he did that. nO King stOp.

"Well now I'm scared of my hot pocket."

He laughed. "That was the cutest thing."

I looked behind me as if some doggo was sitting behind me.

King stepped forward and looked me straight (again gayy) in the eye and said, "I meant you being upset about your hot pocket."


He stood really close to me and slid down to my height by having his legs apart like he was doing the splits.

(that's so hard to describe without saying he sPreaD hiS lEggs)

"Hi," he said.

"Hi there." I giggled.

Then he moved forward. What's he doing? Oh my dog. His face is touching mine. Specifically his lips and mine. Oh my dooooggg.

As he pulled away, he nonchalantly smiled and said "Hi."

"H-He-Hhhh-He-Helloooo?" I was flustered. And red. And flustered. And red.



"I like you," he said.

"Like you too. Er.." I mumbled.



"Cool." He chuckled and played with my hair.

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