010 Click...

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Ok so there is punching/fighting in this chapter btw


July 11 (almost midnight)


Alex POV

The plane landed and we gathered our things to get off of it. That was definitely an interesting ride.

Laf and Herc came out of the cockpit and we talked for a few minutes before we all heard a loud bang. Hell no. No more thunder.

It sounded more like someone was outside. I looked out the window closest to me and I didn't see anyone. Hm. John was nervous again, I was paranoid, and Laf and Herc talked quieter. What was that?


There it was again. I knew what it was.

I sprinted to the back of the plane where I had two guns conveniently. Laf and Herc grabbed theirs. I tossed one of mine to John, to which his face fell white. "Huh?"

"You're gonna need it."

"Oui, John."

"But-But I can't use a gun? I don't know how? I've n-never shot one before.."

I gave him a quick crash course on how to use it.

Then more banging.

It sounded closer and louder, as if someone were banging something big against the plane. Like someone was trying to open the door and get in. Like someone was trying to find me and John.

Like the three people who entered the plane right after the banging stopped.

John made a soft squeak sound and stepped back. Lafayette and Hercules, while they word for Washington as hitman pilots (??), were still afraid of the men who just broke inside. Everyone is scared of them.

"Well, well, well," Burr said slowly. He smirked at me.

"We missed you. Why did you run away from us? We just needed to talk," Jefferson purred, smiling devilishly.

Washington stepped forward from behind the two. "I see you have failed to complete your first assignment."

I hid John behind me. I didn't want to shoot anyone. Everyone who works like this by choice is sick and insane and a horrible person. I feel bad. This is probably traumatizing for John.

Washington yelled at me like he did practically everyday. Except worse. This time, he did more attacking than the fact that I failed.

"And you fell in love with him? Pathetic. I told you not to because it messes things up. Look at you now." He scoffed and walked forward so his face was mere inches from mine. "You have failed. I'm ashamed. I will admit I had a soft spot for you, Hamilton. You made me feel bad enough that I offered to take care of you. That's how sad and poor you were."

Jefferson and Burr snickered, still next to the main door of the plane. This just fuelled my anger. I punched Washington. He stumbled backwards, reflexively grabbing his nose. He groaned and laughed. "You think you're funny?"

I stared at him coldly, displaying zero emotion whatsoever. Burr stepped behind me to stabilize me so Washington could hit me back. I kneeled down between them, so George struck Burr right in the face. Burr fell back onto the leathery airplane seat.

Jefferson went after Lafayette and Hercules. Hercules tried to protect Laf as best he could, but he could only hit so many times before his fists hurt.

I knocked Washington out with a quick punch to the face. Then I got him one last time to ensure he wasn't coming back for me.

Hercules and I were out of breath. Jefferson barely did anything. Burr was practically dying.

Burr wasn't in that state for long. He grabbed hold of a gun and aimed. Jefferson held his up as well. I reciprocated their aim. Even John stood up and tried to aim.



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