007 The Truth

166 12 12

July 11


Alex POV 

I was sad. I was to kill my um boyfriend by midnight tonight. Falling in love was going to mess everything up. He's right.

I feel the need to tell someone about this, but I have no friends. Well I do, but they're flying right now. Then there's John. Would I really want to tell him all of that though?

I did want to though. I decided I'd at least try to. I made my way to 1585 Broadway. I went in as his shift ended, like usual. He noticed my solemn expression and frowned. When he was done cleaning up a table, he took off his bright green apron and approached me. "Hey."


"You okay? You look pooped."

"I am."

"Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Actually that's what I came to do," I said. He squinted in confusion.

"Wait. You're not going to break up with me or something right? Don't worry I won't stat breaking things, I mean-"

"No. I just have something I need to tell you but I don't want to but it's important and you need to know but I'm sorry in advance..?" I looked at the giant clock on the wall. 6:34pm.

"Okay." He sat down on the tall chair at the counter. "I'm ready." He smiled. Dammit he sMiLeD.

"Okay, so do you know what a hitman is?"

"Like those guys from movies that kill people or something? Those guys are crazy. And scary."

"Oh. Well, I'll just start from the beginning. I lived on this tiny island in the Caribbean called Nevis." I told him the story up until living with George. He nodded, listening intently. I didn't have to explain my life story, but oh well.


"Well George offered me a place to stay, since I was technically homeless after graduating. He let me stay with him on one condition: I work for him. And now I do."

"I'm sorry your life has been going so downhill. I don't know. Work with him how?"

"Yeah.. HahasobythewayI'mahitman," I said humbling everything into one massive word.

He tilted his head. "Wait, yo-"


"Fuck. What?" His eyes had widened and he turned red, but not a cute blushy red. Like nervous and upset red.

I just nodded, waiting for a reaction.

"But.. You, but you're so, I don't know, nice and funny and sweet and not a hitman."

"It's true."

"God, why me?? I'm just- okay. Look. I think what you do is fucked up. But I appreciate you deciding not to kill me..? And I did- I do really like you, but oh my turtles why?? You could have worked at Starbucks or something. Why didn't you just quit?"

"That's not an option. I was forced into this. I understand if you now hate me or something. Just say it then."

John POV

I could never hate Alex. I really just can't. Yesterday and today, up until now, I thought I might be in love with him?? Now, I..think I still am.

But. He's. A. Hitman.

I mean, he doesn't want to do this stuff. He doesn't want to be a hitman. And he likes me too. I don't know what will happen to him if or when he gets me live, but I just don't want them to kill him instead.


"Alex, I could never hate you." Was that a tear? Oh.

"Wow. Really?"

"Of course not. In fact I think I kinda lo-" I noticed that he was staring at the clock, then out the window, looking terrified. "Alex?" What was so interesting about 6:41pm?

"Come with me. I'll explain later."


He grabbed my hand gently and said, "Please. Come on." He glanced at the window again. All I saw was a trio of men.

Alex POV

Thomas Jefferson. Aaron Burr. And George Washington.

They tracked me.


Ok I rushed that? It seems reaaaallllllyy dramatic? Whatevz????

Also July 11 is my sister's bday

And the day Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr in Weehawken, NJ in 1804 ;)

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