008 The Runaways

170 12 36

July 11


Alex POV

I watched the three men approaching only for a moment. I prayed that they hadn't seen me through the window yet. I also prayed they wouldn't hurt John.

(omg Alex hun u gotta big storm coming but so do y'all readers haha)


"Come with me. I'll explain later," I said quickly, already gathering my jacket and garbage because I care about the environment.


I took John's hand gently and said, "Please. Come on." I saw his expression change to seriousness as he followed me out. I ran to my little green car and started it up.

"So are we running from those guys?" He pointed subtly. Shit. They were close enough to point at.

"Yes. The guy in the middle is Washington. My boss, I suppose," I explained carefully. I turned onto Clermont Street and continued. "The one in grey is Aaron Burr. Not important. And Thomas Jefferson is the magenta dick on the right."

"Oh. Okay?"

I gripped the steering wheel tighter. In the mirror, I saw the three slowly fade out of sight. Good. I pulled into a sketchy-looking parking lot outside of where my friends worked.

I got out of the car and wIted for John to catch up. He's adorable.

"Um where are we?" He whispered.

"This way," I said, not processing enough of his question to answer it. I opened a tall barb wire fence to reveal a really small airport with a small private plane right in the center. They must have just landed. I waved my hand at John, signalling for him to come onto the plane with me.

When we entered, I told the pilots, my friends that I mentioned, to take us to..hm. Where to? What about Weehawken, New Jersey. Everything is legal in New Jersey.

"Où avez-vous besoin d'aller?"

"Weehawken, New Jersey. C'est urgent aussi," I spoke effortlessly.

(TRANSLATION: "Where do you need to go?" / "Weehawken, New Jersey. It's urgent too." You're welcome.)

"Okay. How you say, buckle up," the Frenchman said cheerfully. The other person in the cockpit poked his head out to wave. Then he turned back around and started to take off.

John POV

We're going in a plane. To Weehawken? Where even is that? And a French guy is flying us? Oh, never mind, there's a big muscular dude with him.


I'm going to have to get over my fear of heights.


Oh this isn't so bad, actually. We're in the air now. It's so pretty! I wanna open a window and eat a cloud. I bet they taste like vanilla and happiness. Or just water.

Hm. Now it looks like a storm's coming..?

(biTcH i told u)


Ily all but like,,,,,,

Storm chapter ahead :)

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