I pulled out my wallet and took out the money. "Here you go. Naruto, you owe me money. I'll charge you it later now let's go.." I grabbed him by the back of his coat collar and dragged him. "That pervert is going to get it! There he is! Hey you OLD MAN!"

"Oh Shiori-" Naruto released himself from my grip and ran towards Jiraiya.


"I never said I would treat you."

"But you're supposed to! You're the grown-up!" Naruto started pounding on Jiraiya's chest. "Now I owe Shiori money!"

"Say Naruto...Let me ask you something." He whispered something to him which made Naruto blush and stammer his sentences.

He better not be telling him anything dirty.

"W-well I don't know.."Naruto fidgeted his face bright red. "You can say that..."

"Who is it?"

"No one just-" He stopped himself, blushing again. I'm totally confused. "It-it's not important! Can we change the subject?"

"Oh...I understand."Jiraiya smiled. "But..give you know who a hug!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! This is part of my training?!"Naruto gaped. "N-No!"

"Yeah. Come on, it's not that hard. It can be quick."

"Alright! I'll do it!" He turned to face me. "Wait....what if... She'll hate me? Won't talk to me? I don't know what I'll do if she never spoke to me..."

"Naruto, what are you-" He tugged on my arm and pulled me towards him into a hug. Huh? 

He hugged me tightly and I shoved him away from me. "What do you think you're doing?" 

He really caught me off guard.

"Uh..Thanking you...for...helping me! That was a thank you!" He tried to laugh off the awkward atmosphere but I just rose an eyebrow at him. 

"Um...Okay." For some reason, he hugged me again but I hugged him back this time.  This hug was longer than the first, almost like he didn't want to let go. "Okay, you can let go. I'll give you 5 seconds." 

He quickly pulled away, his whole face turning redder than a tomatoe. What's going on?

"Will this really help me summon a frog?"Naruto questioned.

"Of course. Without a doubt."

"Are you sure?"

"Is there anything you've wanted to do?" Jiraiya then punched him in the stomach, knocking him out.

"What the hell, Jiraiya?! Why did you do that?!" Jiraiya ignored me and threw Naruto over his shoulder. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I followed him and he threw Naruto onto the ground. He slowly woke up. "Naruto!"

"W-where are we?"

"Stand up,"Jiraiya ordered. "Your training ends here. Starting now, you must stare death in the face. This will help you release your chakra. Shiori, don't interfere in what am I going to do. No matter what, understood?" He tapped Naruto's forehead and that sent him flying over the edge of the peak we were on.

"Naruto!" I screamed and reached out my hand to grab him but he slipped. "Naruto! He's going to die unless he finds a way to stop it! I swear, I won't forgive that old man if something happens to him." I looked over when I heard something. "Naruto? Did you-" A giant toad flew up past me, causing me to fall over onto my butt "Naruto?! You summoned this?! It's amazing.. Excuse me, Sir, what's your name?" I asked politely to the Toad.

Kakashi's Daughter! Book One: The Struggles of Becoming A Ninja!Where stories live. Discover now