Chapter 25

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My fingers tapped on my phone screen frivolously as I switched between the same two applications. Instagram and messages. Instagram and messages. Instagram and messages. All summer I had done my absolute best to not check up of Liam. This included texting, calling, asking my mom and social media. But, just the other day, I had given in. Liam had posted a photo of the New York City skyline recently, presumably a view from one of his campus visits. His caption read, 'two weeks until I see this everyday'. My heart sunk. I was running out of time. 

My patience fell to absolute zero. It had been an entire five minutes since I had sent MacKenzie the text and I couldn't wait another second. Quickly pressing the call icon, I waited for response. One ring. Two rings. Three...

"Hello?!" She sounded out of breath. 

"Hey, did you see my text?" I asked her, suddenly feeling a little bad for bothering her. It sounded like she was busy.

"No, no, I'm sorry. I was running. I'll check right now."

"Sorry," I muttered. "I'm just freaking out."

"Dude, don't even worry," she replied. I heard her trying to catch her breath, but I knew she was going to read my message instantly. "Okay, I'm going to read this out loud...'Hey Liam, hope everything's going well. I know this might be weird and if you don't want to please say no, but I was really hoping to see each other one more time before you left. It's been kind of crazy and I know you can relate, so yeah. Also, I just want to say bye and wish you luck. Let me know...'"

Holding my breath, I waited for Mac to respond. "Well?" I prompted after a few seconds of silence. 

"I'm thinking," she replied curtly. Finally, with an exhale, she said, "I think it's perfect. No pressure, but I don't see why he wouldn't say yes. Send it."

Even though she couldn't see me, I nodded my head. "You're right. I'm just panicking. Thank you so much."

"Of course. Love you, Brooke. There's no reason to stress so much, I promise."

Hanging up the call, I went back to the message I had yet to send. My fingered hovered over the button and after a deep breath, I was able to press it. 

The next few minutes passed by in agony. Thoughts raced through my head like atoms through the universe - spinning, colliding, all charged with energy. Would he say yes? Would he only do it out of pity? Would he even answer?

Realizing the futility of my thoughts, I decided to turn my ringer on, put my phone out of sight and just wait for a text back. And if it never came, then that would be it. In fact, it might even be for the better. But less than five minutes later, my phone rang.

Leaping to where I had left my phone, I saw that it was Liam. He answered me. My hands shook and I felt anxious all over again. Opening the message, my eyes scanned through it.

Hi Brooke. Don't think for a second I was going to leave without saying bye. Can I pick you up tonight?

I didn't even wait a second before replying with a yes and my address. He told me to be ready by seven. My heart soared and for a split second, I could feel him next to him.


It was 6:45. Pulling my favorite crewneck over my head, I walked out of the bathroom. My mom was sitting on a stool over our kitchen counter, working on her laptop. After a moment, she glanced up and smiled weakly. "You leaving again?" Her expression looked exhausted. For the first time, I felt bad for going out. The extent of my mom's issues hadn't really crossed my mind all that much. Partially, I blamed her for our situation but suddenly I realized that maybe I should've been more supportive. In a split second, I made the decision to tell her the truth. 

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