Breaking In

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guys i am so incredibly sorry for the long wait. it's literally been a nightmare with this new computer and i am just so frusturated. after finally getting the motivation and moving all my stories to the USB, IT DECIDES NOT TO WORK. however i NEEDED to continue this story so i went back to my shitty laptop and (after shutting down on me twice) this is the best I could come up with.



"What now?" Cort muttered when I got back in the car. Not knowing how to answer him, I stared blanky at the windshield ahead. It was dirty, full of dust and dead bugs and probably really hard to see through.

"Hello? Earth to Brooklyn!" Cort yelled, sounding thoroughly annoyed with me.

"I don't know!" I screamed in reply, more frustrated than he was. "I don't know what to do anymore, Cort! I can't fucking take this! My fucking step-brother just ran away with my step-sister and my family is falling apart and I think my mom is divorcing Jeff because he's a cheating asshole and that entire scandal probably tore apart Caleb's family and you're the only one I have right now and I can't handle you being a mess too," I yelled, bawling by the time I was done. As I continued to sob, I dug my head in my hands and wondered what on earth I was possibly going to do now.

"Hey," Cort murmured gently after a minute or so. He soothingly touched my back, rubbing his hand in circles right below my bra strap. "Everything's going to be okay, Brooke. Please don't cry."

He continued petting me until I had calmed down. It seemed that while I had been crying he had tought of an idea because he offered his insight on what to do.

"Liam has to come out of his house sometime. Whether it be to go get food or go to church Sunday morning, I don't know. But he has to come out. Why don't we just wait here throughout the day and then come back early in the morning?"

"That sounds so tiring..." I muttered, not seeing how that would work.

"Well... It is a one story house..." Cort said, turning to look at me with a sly smile.

I stared back at him and surprise, not really knowing how we would even go about breaking into Liam's mom's house.

"Are you sure?" I answered, sort of worried at the idea. "What if we get caught?"

Cort laughed confidently in reply and I didn't even need to wait for his 'we won't'.


After getting food at a nearby drive-in, we parked down the street from the house and resumed our stake-out. Cort's idea was logical and simple, and if all went to plan we would have no problem getting to talk to Liam.

There was no dog to aggravate, there seemed to be no alarm system that could be set off – this was going to work fine. All we needed to do was hope that Liam's mom kept at least one window open, but considering that the weather at night was crisp and refreshing; there was no reason that she wouldn't.

Eventually, after hours of sitting in the cramped car, the last visible light went off in the household.

"Alright..." Cort began, keeping his voice low even though we were still in the car. "Let's wait here for at least fifteen more minutes, then we can start walking towards the house. We'll make one loop around and try and find the easiest way in. And if you see Liam's bedroom, let me know. It'll be best if we get straight into his room, just so we don't have to actually walk through the house and risk waking more people up."

I nodded obediently. Unknowingly, I began to smooth my hair down – a habit I had when I was nervous. The following fifteen minutes seemed to drag on and I only continued to grow more and more nervous.

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