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i suck.

i know.


yeah i know i promised that i would update as SOON as i hit 300 votes, but i had state testing this week, and i honestly didn't expect i would get them before friday.

yeah i know i promised that this would be long, but i really wanted to get you guys a chapter, and anyway, my original plan might've felt awkawrd reading because it would be two chapters ...

in one.

and yes i know nothing big happens but i swear to you (this is not a drive by) that i am moving it to the next chapter. okay. without further ado, here is the product of my uninspirired, stressed writing. 

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The first thing I noticed when we stepped outside was that it was warm. Very warm.  It actually surprised me, because I thought it would’ve been colder. Truthfully, I was expecting mountains of snow but there wasn’t one speckle of white anywhere; not even in the totally clear skies. I mentally thanked myself for bringing my bathing suit, because I would definitely be using it.

The next the I noticed was that Brenda wasn’t with us. Thinking back, I recalled that I hadn’t seen her anywhere in the morning, in the airport, or on the plane.

“Where’s Brenda?” I asked Jeff as we walked towards a large Jeep. To my relief, the Kilduffs were going to be driving in front of us because they knew the way better. Honestly, it didn’t matter what order we drove in or whether or not we got there - I was just glad to get away from them.

“I took her to my sister’s,” Jeff explained as soon as we were situated in the car. The engine roared to life as soon as he twisted the keys, and I leaned back, pulling my skirt down. The cabin was supposed to be almost an hour away from the airport, which meant sixty more excruciating minutes.

The car lurched forward and soon enough we were on a long, narrow highway. Jeff and Mom talked the whole way through, while I sat silent all the way in the back. Liam didn’t say much either which normally would’ve made me bored, but I was too preoccupied looking outside at the endless stretch of mountains that rose above the car. They were majestic to say the least, and a nice refreshment from the usual green moss and rolling hills that covered Washington.

I was brought out of my daydreams with a cough. My attention turned to Liam who was looking at me in a way that made me feel like I did something wrong. Clearing his throat, he tapped his two index fingers, making me cock my head in confusion. What? He rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers together a bit faster, but I only shrugged.

“You’re wearing a skirt, Brooklyn!”

My faced flamed so quickly as I crossed my legs over, tugging my skirt down. My whole body felt hot, and I looked down bashfully. Liam laughed, turning back in his seat and resuming his game on his iPod.

After that, the whole car fell into an easy silence. It looked like Jeff and Mom ran out of things to talk about, which was a surprise to me because they never stopped talking.

“Here we are!” my mom exclaimed as we turned into a dirt path that I hadn’t even noticed. Jumping up to the seat by Liam, I rolled down the window. The air was very woodsy and very warm. I sighed happily as the rough terrain smoothed. Only the Kilduff's would have a paved road in the middle of nowhere.

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