Turn of Events

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heya guys it feels like it's been forever. :o i've just gotten so caught up with other things that meh. no time to write!

anyway, this better be 6 pages long here on wattpad. haha.

enjoy you guys (: 

oh i found the picture on the side and it reminded me of them. haah idek.

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I jumped back as if I had touched a hot iron. In one swoop, I picked up the crumpled bills and held them up in front of Jeff.

“We were, uhm, fighting for money,” I sputtered quickly, hoping he would buy it. My heart was thrashing in chest, and I didn’t know whether it was from almost kissing my step brother, or almost getting caught doing so.

 Jeff, however, was in a worse state then when I had first left him and he probably wouldn’t remember anything the next morning, which I was so grateful for.

“Is your science done?” Jeff asked, leaning against the door for support.

“Math, dad. Math.”

“Same shit, different toilet,” he muttered, waving his hand. With that, Jeff left the room leaving me and Liam awkwardly staring at each other. There was a lot of space between us now and I looked downwards, thinking of something that might give me an excuse to get away or distract me.

Clearing my throat, I handed him the money.

“Uh, here. That’s yours. Now, I came here to help you with your math. So…”

“Yeah, over here,” Liam said quickly, grabbing an extra chair and placing it on the edge of the table. He sat down, not meeting my eye. It was obvious that neither of us were going to mention what had almost happened even though we were both dying to. Pulling my shirt down consciously, I sat down next to him.

Once my heart rate lowered I could finally focus on the math in front of me. Looking over his work, I realized he was making the same mistake each time which was why he was getting the wrong answer each time.

“You’re forgetting to carry the x over,” I told him, correcting his answer on one problem. “See?”

He looked over the paper and scrunched his forehead in confusion. Taking the pencil from my hand, I watched as he tried to figure out what I did that he didn’t.

“I don’t get it,” he finally said.

“Look,” I began, tilting the paper so I could so it a bit. He shifted closer to me and for the first time I noticed how good he really smelled. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what the smell was, but I was leaning towards some kind of Axe. As I thought of what cologne he used I got very distracted and suddenly remembered that I was supposed to be explaining the math to him.

“Sorry,” I said quickly, taking the pencil. I felt him look up at me with that trademark smirk of his. “Okay, so you subtracted the x from here, but then you forgot to add it to the other side. So then you ended up with a negative exponent, which pretty much gave you a fraction instead of a whole number. But all you need to do is just put the opposite of all of these fractions and you’ll be fine.”

Liam looked at the paper, and then up at me in wonder.

“How do you know all of that?” he breathed. “Aren’t you a sophomore?”

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