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"What day are you planning to have their parties?" I asked as i faced my closet mirror tying my work apron around me.

"Hopefully on the sixteenth , if they bitch ass daddy help me" my sister sighed referring to her baby daddy as she laid flat across my bed.

"You don't have to depend on him sus' , i have money saved up and I'll help " i strongly suggested as she sat up looking at me crazy.

"Um ma'am that cash you have saved up goes towards getting your ass outta' here so you don't end up like me or any other female living out here... I fucked my life up and I don't want us to be sitting around like Momma and aunt Mae talking about sorry baby daddies and blaming everyone for our problems " she said in a stern tone i slipped on my shoes before grabbing her and hugging her tightly.

"I love you" i told her as she smiled "I love you too" she mumbled back as I left out the room heading to the local diner where I worked as a waitress.

                 Later that night

"Alright Jo, I'll see you Monday" Tim the owner informed me as he held a bag full of food for his 5 kids in one hand while walking out. I finished cleaning up , making myself an omelet to go and getting the customers out.

"Alright I'm gon' miss Jordan " Ms.Mary an 80 year old black women who resembled Loretta Davis and always wore a black mink cardigan.

"Alright bye Ms.Mary see you Monday" i said as she turned around with her back holding open the door.

"I left something on the table fo 'ya' " she informed me before walking out, i finished packing up my stuff , turning off all the lights as the emergency light stay on. I went to the table where Ms.Mary ate at each day. I grabbed the folded piece of paper stuffing it in my pocket deciding to read it later when i get home.

The walks home became second nature to me , i wasn't scared to die or be raped while walking these dark streets at night, only because i came aware that this could happen to anyone. I clenched onto my belongs as the loud SUV quickly pulled up to me stopping.

The windows came down and thick clouds of smoke released into the air before revealing the devil himself, my ex Syrus.

"What Syrus?!" I questioned annoyed as he smiled

"I can't talk to you shawty, damn? What i tell you about walking in the streets late at night?" He looked at me with a unreadable expression as he sat back in the driver seat.

"Bye Syrus" i said walking off as he licked his lips following me with the car.

"Look lemme drive yo' ass home, ion' like you walking " he persuaded as i rolled my eyes.

"Syrus don't try no bullshit take me to my house then get out of my life" i told him as i placed my things into his SUV.

The silence was broke by the ringing of his phone which he carelessly ignored . I glanced at him then back out the window noticing the car coming to a stop and the locks locking .

"Syrus stop! Im not playing with you!" I panicked as he kept tugging on my work shorts as i kept kicking him trying to get him off me but that only made it worst.

"Stop playing with me Jo! " he aggressively said as i kneed him in his private area before i felt his hand go clean across my face while tugging on my hair repeatedly hitting me while forcing himself into as i cried weakly.

"Stop!" I yelled in pain while kicking and crying as his heavy body bodied my small frame.

When he finished i felt my body be pushed out onto the grass as he threw my belongings at me before driving off.

I laid on the grass crying in pain. I lifted my body up and started to walk home trying my best to stay strong but it felt like a challenge to hold in my tears. I realized i was lost and my vision was to blurry to go about.


"Get off my car mane" i told this annoying little girl who stayed jockin' my flow. She smiled as she sat across from me on the hood of my car.

"Take me out then" she said smiling as i noticed all the plaque caked up in her teeth. Part of me wanted to drag this young hoe off my car but I'm tryna' change my ways.

"I'm bout done being nice to yo ugly ass na' get off a nigga car before i start this hoe and start driving with yo' ass hangin' off the hood" i threaten as she sighed loudly jumping off the hood of my Challenger.

"You lucky you sexy " she said while walking off. Truly not to brag or be conceded  but i get nothing but attentions from hoes all ova' Chicago , before i became one of the biggest drug dealers out here i was nothing but a little nigga that got curved by every lul' female walking and now they out here stalkin ' a young nigga.

"Phase " i answered as i pulled out of my mothers drive through cursing down the highway as i smoked my blunt.

"Help" a familiar voice whimpered weakly as i checked the caller ID seeing it was my gal Jordan.

𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now