Chapter 16: Returning to Magnolia

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Levy's POV:
When I woke up again I saw that Gajeel with all of our stuff, "Hey, Gajeel, what are you doing with our stuff?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled "The doc said that when you woke up that we could leave. So I took the liberty to get our stuff from the inn we were staying at." he said. "Thanks, Gajeel." I said, "Don't mention it, Shrimp." Gajeel said.

Still Levy's POV:
Once I got changed into my regular clothes Gajeel and I went to the train station to catch the train that was going to Magnolia, "I really hate trains." Gajeel mumbled, I giggled and handed him a sandwich that I made for him with different kinds of meat on it, "This will help you with your motion sickness." I said and Gajeel ate the sandwich and I was glad that he would be alright once we get on the train. Once we did we went to our cabin and got settled in our seats and I was still a little tired so I leaned against Gajeel's arm and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Gajeel's POV:
When Shrimp laid her head on my arm and went to sleep I smiled and closed my eyes as well and I made sure to keep Shrimp close to me so that the magical dark spot in her mind would continue to dissipate. While I was just resting my eyes I could feel Shrimp moving around in her sleep and for some reason, she ended up pulling me down onto the floor with her and I would have yelled at her for doing that if I didn't sense that she was feeling sick so I just picked her up and laid her down on the chair we were sitting on and I sat down on the floor next to her and I laid a blanket on Shrimp and I leaned up against the edge of the chair and I felt Shrimp grab my ears, "OI, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING SHRIMP!?!" I shouted as I hid my werewolf ears, "GAH!" shouted Shrimp as she woke up and looked at me, "W-why'd you yell?" she asked, "You pulled my ears that's why." I said, "I did, I'm so sorry." said Shrimp as her face turned bright red. I sighed and sat down next to her, "It's fine, just don't go pulling on my ears again alright." I said, "Okay." said Shrimp. Once Shrimp and I got over the whole ear-pulling incident I wrapped my arm around Shrimp's shoulder and pulled her close to me, "G... Gajeel, what are you d... doing?" Shrimp asked me, "I'm keeping ya' close to me, so don't ever leave my side alright." I said, I saw Shrimp's face heat up and my inner wolf kept telling me to make her mine, 'I won't do that to her, not unless she wants to be with me.' I told my inner wolf, but I had to admit having Shrimp so close to me made me want to lose all control and mark her as mine. I shook my head and realized that was my inner wolf's thoughts, even though, it's my voice I knew that I shouldn't listen to it because I don't want to hurt Shrimp.

Levy's POV:
I noticed that Gajeel was having an internal discussion with himself so I thought I should ask him about it, but then again I probably shouldn't because neither of us has been together for very long so I don't want to rush things with him, "Hey, Shrimp, you okay?" Gajeel asked me, "Yeah, I'm fine. And would it kill you to call me by my real name?" I asked him as I pouted, "Gihi, I like it when you get all pouty." Gajeel said and I blushed when he said that and I noticed that he was blushing as well. Then the train stopped at Magnolia Station so Gajeel and I got our stuff and went to the Guildhall to tell Master Makarov that we returned from the mission. Once we got there I saw Natsu and Gray going at it again for some stupid reason no less, I saw my best friend Lucy sitting at the bar watching the brawl so I told Gajeel that I would meet him back at his house later today. "Alright, Shrimp, just make sure to take it easy alright. You still need to rest once you get to my house." Gajeel told me, "Don't worry, I will." I told him. I walked over to the bar where Lucy was sitting talking to Mira about something, then I tapped Lucy on her shoulder, "Hey Lucy, I'm back." I said, then Lucy turned around and hugged me tightly, "Lucy, I can't breathe." I choked out, "Oops, sorry Levy." Lucy said as she loosened her grip on me, "It's alright, so Natsu and Gray are going at it again huh?" I asked, "Yeah, and this time it was about whose magic was stronger." Lucy said and we both laughed at the thought then my head started to hurt a little but I didn't want Lucy to worry about me, "Well, I better get going I'm supposed to meet Gajeel at my store." I said as I headed for the door when Jet and Droy came running in and scared me, "Welcome back Levy." they both said at the same time, "Hey guys, um, I got to run. I'll see you guys later." I said and I left the Guildhall before they could ask me anything else. Once I got to my place I saw that Gajeel was waiting for me and I was happy to see him and the pain in my head started to go away. "Sorry I took so long Gajeel." I said, "Don't worry about it Shrimp." Gajeel said I was glad that he was my boyfriend although we haven't told anyone else at the guild yet mostly because we want to build our relationship without Mira or anybody else getting in the way to get us together. "Your head started to hurt earlier, am I right?" Gajeel asked, "Yeah, but I'm okay at the moment. Anyways, are you sure that its okay for me to stay with you for a while until this magical dark spot in my head goes away? I mean I don't want to be a burden to you or anything like that." I said, "Like I told ya before Shrimp, as long as you're with me you'll get better. Also, you're not a burden to me Shrimp, you helped me find the books I was looking for and you helped me learn how to read as well, I'm just returning the favor and it gives us a chance to find out what it's like to live together as well." Gajeel said. When he said that I started blushing really bad and I would never have thought of it that way until now, "Yeah, I guess it'll help get us ready for when we decide to find a place to live together one day." I said. I opened the door to my house and Gajeel followed behind me, once we were inside I went to my closet and took out two suitcases to pack the things I need, while I was packing some of my clothes I heard a loud thud in the living room so I went to see what happened. When I got to the living room I saw Gajeel rubbing his head and I noticed that some of my books that I stacked up on the floor since there wasn't any room for them on the bookshelves had fallen over, "Geez, you have a lot of books Shrimp." Gajeel said as he got up, "Yeah, well, I like to read a lot so I have a bunch of books." I said as I picked up the books that had fallen over when Gajeel tripped over them, "You could have at least warned me that you had books laying all over the floor so I didn't trip and fall." Gajeel said with an aggravated expression on his face, "Sorry, I've been living here for so long that I've gotten used to having my books stacked up on the floor." I said, I heard Gajeel sigh and he helped me pick up the books and placed them on the table. "Well, are you almost done packing yet, Shrimp?" Gajeel asked me, "Not yet, I got distracted because someone tripped and fell over my books." I said mockingly, "Whatever, just hurry up and finish packing." Gajeel said as he walked over to one of the bookshelves that were in my living room and started looking at all of the books that I have. I went back into my bedroom and continued to pack my clothes into the suitcases along with a few of my favorite books and my toothbrush. Once I finished packing my bags I picked them up and found Gajeel still looking at my collection of books, "Gajeel, I'm ready now." I said and Gajeel turned around and I saw that his ruby red eyes were glowing a little bit, "Are you okay Gajeel?" I asked, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get going alright." Gajeel said as he walked to the door and I followed him.

Gajeel's POV:
On the way back to my place I noticed that Shrimp was looking really tired now and she was carrying two suitcases with her stuff in them, "Hey Shrimp, let me carry those for ya. Ya need to rest once we get to my place." I said, Shrimp looked at me and just smiled "I'm fine Gajeel, I can carry my stuff myself." she said with a grim smile on her face. I sighed and picked her up and set her on my shoulder as I carried the two suitcases in my other arm, "Gajeel put me down." Shrimp complained, "Don't get your shorts in a twist Shrimp, I can tell that you're tired. And you were having trouble carrying these suitcases. Just relax for now; we're almost at my place." I said as I continued walking towards my house with Shrimp on my shoulder and her two suitcases under my arm. Once we got to my house I placed Shrimp on the ground and took out my keys and opened the front door. "Well, the guest room is right next to my room so; go and make yourself at home, Shrimp." I said and I walked over to the kitchen and got a drink from the fridge. "Hey, Gajeel, can I ask you something?" Shrimp asked me, "Yeah, what's up?" I asked, "Um, I was wondering if there was a shower in the guest room?" Shrimp asked, 'Crap, I forgot that there's only one shower in my place and it's in my room!' I thought to myself, "Um, about that, there's just one shower and it's in my room." I said, "I-It is?" Shrimp asked nervously, "Yeah, sorry I completely forgot that there was only one shower in my house." I said, "I-It's fine, um, c-can I take a shower to clean up?" Shrimp asked, "Go ahead I'm not stopping ya." I replied and with that, Shrimp ran up the stairs and went to my room with a change of clothes and a towel and went to take a shower. 'This is going to get some getting used to.' I thought to myself. But then again, Shrimp will be staying here until that magical dark spot in her mind is gone so I don't have to worry about it too much. Then again my inner wolf kept telling me to go take a shower with Shrimp and make her mine, I shook my head and tried to keep my inner wolf under control so that I don't end up ruining my relationship with Shrimp. I don't want my inner wolf to get in the way of that and I will only make Shrimp mine if she wants me to make her mine, that's what I kept telling myself every time I saw her at the Guildhall or when we run into each other on a job request or when I visit her at her bookstore. But, sometimes it gets really hard to keep my inner wolf under control because of how much I love Levy. I was drawn out of my thoughts when Lily came over and meowed for some kiwis so I went to the kitchen to get Lily some kiwis to eat.

Falling in love with a werewolf A GajeelxLevy Fanfic (Part 1 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now