Chapter 2: A strange man

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Gajeel's POV:
I was on my way back to my house when I walked into someone who seemed to be walking as if he was drunk or something, so I didn't pay much attention to it when I realized that my wallet was gone and the guy who I thought was drunk was running away with my wallet. 'Damn it how could I be so careless?' I thought to myself as I placed my books into the folds of my black jacket and ran after the guy who stole my wallet. "HEY, COME BACK HERE WITH MY WALLET YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted as I started to gain on the guy who was running from me, the guy turned a corner and I could still smell the booze the guy had on him, so I knew I will be able to catch the guy using my werewolf speed and agility. I jumped up and the rush of air in my long raven hair made it feel like I was flying then I landed on a roof and I saw the guy who has my wallet and I followed him to where he was going and soon he went into an abandoned building that I could tell was where he was staying because it reeked of booze. "Well, this guy sure seems to like his booze. Well, nobody is going to miss this guy when I'm through with him." I said to myself as I launched myself to the roof of the abandoned building and walked into the building and started changing into a wolf. My teeth became sharp fangs, my hair became black raven fur and my eyes became a glowing red that pierced through the darkness of the dark building, and sharp claws grew on my hands which became covered in black raven fur. As I made my way through the building I caught the guys scent and I followed it to where he was hiding, and I used my wolf slayer magic to destroy the lights, so he wouldn't see me in my werewolf form. "What the hell! Who's there? If you're that guy I stole this wallet from then forget about getting it back pal." said the guy as he turned on a light lacrima and shined it my way and my wolfish face made the guy stagger backward and he had fear in his eyes and I could smell it as well. "Wh-what are you?" he asked with fear in his voice, "I'm Black Steel Gajeel, the Iron Werewolf Slayer. And you're not going to live to see tomorrow pal." I said as I walked into full view of him and my whole body was covered with black raven fur and metal piercings that shined in the dim light and I howled, and he started running leaving behind my wallet, so before I went after the guy I grabbed my wallet and put it in my pocket. Then I ran into the darkness and thanks to my black fur I was able to stay out of sight of the guy as he took out a magic gun and loaded it with magic bullets. I smirked in the darkness and almost laughed when the guy realized that I'm a werewolf and that I have no weakness, well except motion sickness on any type of vehicle, but other than that I can't be harmed by mere magic bullets. If you're wondering, 'What about silver bullets or anything made of silver?' well us werewolf slayers are different from your average werewolf, so silver can't kill us at all. I ran behind the guy and growled which made him shoot some magic bullets at me which did hurt me and cause me to bleed a little bit, but I was already healing, and the magic bullets fell out of my fur and clattered on to the floor with a small metallic clank. "You're not dead?" he said in utter fear as he backed up which would have been a good idea if he wasn't facing a werewolf slayer which I was and I ran at him and thrusted my claws into his chest with blinding speed that he didn't have time to react when my claws pierced his heart and caused him to bleed out to death. Knowing that my work was done I turned back to my human form and hid my ears and tail again and left the building and went back to my place to cross off another kill on my bad guy kill count list. I've killed so many bad asses that it was getting hard to keep track of them all so when I made my first kill I wrote it down in a notebook and I continued to do so that I could keep track of all of my kills so that I could keep my bloodlust in control. 'You should have just eaten the guy.' said a voice in the back of my head which I knew was my own, so I threw that voice a silent treatment and went to take a shower so that I could was off the blood from my hair and my claws.

Time Skip
Levy's POV:
When I woke up I turned on the television and a news report said that a known wallet stealer was found yesterday and was found dead at the scene with five puncture marks over his heart and he bleed out to death within a few seconds the other day. "Well at least he won't be stealing anyone's wallets again." said the reporter, then I got a text from Lucy that asked if I sawthe news and I replied yes. Lucy and I decided to meet at the guild hall totalk about it and after that I took a shower and got dressed into an orange dress and an orange headband that I wore in my natural blue hair. Once I lockedmy front door I started heading to the Fairy Tail Guild when I ran into Gajeel Redfox and since he was taller than me I fell down onto my ass and groaned when I got back up, "Ow, sorry Gajeel I didn't see you there." I said apologetically, "It's fine Shrimp, I'm used to people running in to me." he replied, and I frowned at him for calling me Shrimp again, "How many times are you going to call me that you big jerk." I said, "As many times as I want, Shrimp. Besides, I'm looking for the iron workshop and I heard that there was one around this street corner somewhere."he said as he started walking off into the opposite direction of me, "See ya round Shrimp." he said waving his hand at me while he walked away.'Jerk, but he's kind of a cute jerk. Wait, where'd that thought come from.' I thought to myself as I felt my face heat up, so I shook my head and ran to the guild hall, so I could talk with Lucy about what we heard about on the news. Once I got to the guild hall I saw Lucy and her boyfriend Natsu sitting at a table waiting for me, "Levy, there you are. What took you so long?"asked Lucy as she and I hugged each other, "Sorry, I ran into someone who bought a lot of books about werewolves from my story the other day. But, that's besides what we came here to talk about." I said as I sat down and Mirajane came over and placed down drinks for me, Lucy, and Natsu, of course Natsu's drink was a huge glass of fire which he ate. "Anyway, that wallet stealer was found dead at the abandoned building near your store Levy." said Lucy as she took a sip of her sasperila and I knew the building she wastalking about. It was scheduled for demolition a few years back, but it wasn't done because they said that some weird things happen there and this latest newskind of got me freaked out since this happened on the same day that Gajeel showed up at my store to buy books on werewolves. And for a bookworm likemyself that is way too many coincidences, but Gajeel didn't look like the kindof guy who would kill someone, beat them to a bloody pulp sure but not kill them. Why am I having these thoughts about one of the best customers who bought so many books the other day? I shrugged the thought away and Lucy seemed to notice that I was thinking about something, "What are you thinking about Levy? Or are you thinking about that guy you ran into today you said came into yourstore and bought so many books about werewolves?" she asked with a smirkon her face, "Lucy, I'm not thinking about Gajeel at all." I lied then I covered my mouth when I realized I said his name. "Wait, did you say Gajeel? As in Black Steel Gajeel?" asked Natsu, "Yeah, do you know him?" I asked. "There isn't a werewolf slayer who doesn't know him. He's pretty famous for his style of werewolf slaying magic. But that's pretty much all I know about him." said Natsu as he ate more of the fire from his glass and burped loudly which was really gross. "He's a werewolf slayer?" I asked, Natsu nodded his head since he was a werewolf slayer as well, claimed that he was raised by the fire werewolf king Igneel when he was a little kid when he first joined the guild and every other time when he got up set about something that someone said to him that werewolves weren't real. I for one don't believe in werewolves because there is no scientific proof of any existence of a werewolf at all. "Well I better get going. The bookstore isn't going to open itself." I said as I said goodbye to my friends and left for my book store to open it up, so I could get my work hours done for the day since it was a special night with the parade and everything.   

Falling in love with a werewolf A GajeelxLevy Fanfic (Part 1 of 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt