Chapter 8- unusual casuality

Start from the beginning

I gasp as the boys start digging in to the meal. "Yah! Whose house are we in? Who got Jungkook to get an answer right?" I yell, moving down to the floor with them and grabbing chopsticks. We end up all sitting in a little circle and sharing it all.

Hoseok starts talking about something funny that happened in his swim meet the other day, and we're all kinda just laughing in a group conversation. I felt so casual and relaxed that I didn't really realize how weird this was till after we finished eating. I'm hanging out with Hobi and Jungkook at the same time, and I'm having a good time... You're supposed to be in a bad mood when you're around someone you hate, right? And I've been speaking so informally, as if I'm close to him or something. I'm wondering what has gotten into me, letting my guard down like that, but I decide it's just because Hoseok is here and I'm always relaxed and happy around him.

But lately, I've been feeling a little more than that.

I don't know what to call it, but there's this bubbly feeling I get around Hoseok theses days that wasn't their before. I wouldn't say nervous, or excited, it's a tingly feeling that makes me want to see Hoseok more often than I usually do.

I don't really ever think about when I'm going to see Hoseok, or have a strong sensation of wanting to see him when he's not around because I see him so often that I don't need to think about those things. But recently, I find myself thinking of random things that have happened between us, like when he back hugs me or plays with my feet or watches movies with me or calls me at night, or that day in the halls...

And then when I snap back to reality, I'm blushing.

As I get up to go to the bathroom, I think to myself, what's going on with me?



          These days in class I think I pay even less attention, because whatever I miss, Ji-Won reteaches throughout the week. If I'm being brutally honest, she's okay at explaining things. It's just easier to go through the lesson with her than my teachers, so what's the point of wasting that energy during school?

          I haven't raised my hand again since that day in History, even though sometimes I want to. But I don't need tutoring sessions changing me or whatever, nothing but my grades, hopefully.

          If I've learned anything, though, it's that Ji-Won is really not who I thought she was. I don't have her all figured out yet since we barely started tutoring two weeks ago, but in those days I can already tell there's a part of her that she's hiding from everyone else.

        Don't get me wrong, she's still a stuck up bitch who won't stop telling me to pay attention in class and comments on my profanities, which will forever piss me off, but during sessions she acts sort of differently.

        She still uses her high vocabulary and all, and she still makes me really mad most of the time, but there's something off. It was especially noticeable that day with Hoseok. She was really casual, which should be expected since they're best friends, but it was still weird to see.

          I keep finding hints that she isn't who she seems to be at school, and sometimes I think maybe she's not so bad? But then I remember all the extra detentions she's gotten me for snitching to teachers for everything I do wrong, and I take the thought back. Ji-won is still Ji-won, no matter how confusing that statement may seem to me right now.

         After school on Friday, she's walking away with Hoseok and I jog to catch up. "Your house again?" I ask.

         She stops talking mid sentence to J-Hope and looks at me peculiarly. "Neither. We already did 4 times this week."

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