when you were waiting to buy your ticket you saw a boy pacing up and down whilst staring at his phone, and he was still waiting when you'd gotten your popcorn.

"waiting for someone?" you asked as you walked past him.

"uh, i was... they stood me up." he shrugged.

your heart sunk slightly, you wondered who'd stand up such a cute boy.

"you know... there's still tickets left for the film i'm watching, wanna join me?"

he seemed to perk up slightly at your suggestion, "sure, i'd love to."

once he'd purchased his ticket and snacks, he joined you.

"i'm dave, by the way." dave said as you both sat down in the theatre.

"y/n." you replied, smiling.

and since that night going to the cinema together became a regular thing, and afterwards you'd both walk around your city together and talk about the film and little things that intrigued you both.

you met thomas in the scorch after he escaped WCKD, you joined him and the gladers as you tried to find a way out of the scorch.

as you spent a lot of time together you found yourself developing feelings for the boy, which newt and minho would always tease you about.

but one day he finally told you that he felt the same and from that day forward you were both inseparable, both successfully making it to paradise and living the rest of your days together.

you were training to be an assassin with stan when mitch turned up, at first you saw him as competition but soon when you ended up working together and being sent on missions where you had to have each other's backs you found yourself falling for him.

you knew you shouldn't have fallen for him as romantic feelings can easily compromise a mission just as much as hate can, but sometimes you can't help who you fall in love with.

mitch had closed himself off from everybody, but he found himself opening up to you and actually enjoying your company.

you began dating secretly, if anyone found out they could use it against either of you — luckily no one ever found out.

you met as interns at google, both being on lyle's team as the ones who were 'outcasts'.

at first you could never get his attention as he was always on his phone, but one day he finally looked away from his phone and talked to you.

dating other interns at google was against the rules, yet when lyle took his team out for a night in san francisco you ended up kissing him. neither of you spoke of it the next day until billy noticed something was different with stuart.

billy span around in his office chair to look at stuart, "so, you and y/n, huh?"

"what? nothing happened between us." stuart said.

"i can tell something happened, it's pretty obvious when you keep staring at her every time she enters the room. you even look away from that phone that even we can't get you to look away from! if you like her, go for it, you might regret it." billy replied.

"but it's against the rules." he groaned.

"so?" billy asked, "i can tell whatever went on between you both is more than a silly fling, ignore the rules! love, believe it or not, is hard to find."

stuart pondered his words, then his attention was drawn towards you as you walked into the office your team shared.

billy looked up and smiled at you, "hey, y/n! just the girl we've been waiting for."

"really?" you asked, glancing between the guys in front of you.

stuart nodded, "uh... yeah. can i talk to you... in private?" he asked, glaring at billy.

billy raised his hands in surrender, "i'll take my leave." he said whilst he left the office, leaving you two alone.

"what's up, stuart?" you asked.

"about last night..." he began, "i know it's against the rules to date another intern, but i really like you a lot."

"i like you too." you smiled as his eyes widened in surprise.

he continued to be surprised every time you told him you loved him for the duration of your relationship, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have met you.


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