"Samantha, you are so, so beautiful." He whispered into my ears, as my tongue traced paths on his neck, adding just a bit more pressure, and was soon rewarded by the moan he let escape. Unable to help himself, he reached up under my dress, pulling aside my underwear... we were so close to starting the game, I was on fire, he was on fire, we were on fire.

"I love you, Samantha. Oh God, do I love you!" Jace moaned aloud. 

I froze.

 Everything just stopped. And suddenly the fire inside me died out, deprived of oxygen. All of the beautiful things and feelings I just experienced, the land of bliss I had hoped to make my home was just completely snuffed out by three little words. As still as a corpse, and most likely as cold as one too. My mind's wheels churned and turned, fruitlessly... Finally, when realization as to the placement of my body parts hit me, I released my hold on Jace. When my feet hit the floor and my arms had fallen to my sides, the wires running in my brain found there way to my eyes, and finally, as if a light switch had turned on in a dark room, my eyes found Jace's face.

Jace's face was glistening with sweat, his eyes glistened, his lips turned into a small smile, waiting for the return of his love.

When, it didn't come, his glistening, happy eyes lost their magical sparkle, and closed slightly, squinting. The smile of his life, folded down into a grim line, letting out a huff like he was in utter disbelief. Which, let's face it, I'm sure he was. With my eyes as wide as they could possibly be without the surrounding skin cut away to reveal the very network of the eyeballs itself, I backed away slowly as if retreating a deadly snake.

With each step aback, he took one forward. It was like we were robots, moving mechanically for a cause we couldn't understand.

"Did you hear me? I love you..." Jace spoke the words in such a questioningly, broken way. With each step, he spoke those words, and as each word was spoken, I stepped further away. 


Was all I could say. I spoke softly, carefully, as if someone had threatened to kill me. Then I turned so fast on my heels, I almost fell right smack on my face, I ran out to the main room where the party was. 

When I got out there, my eyes darted desperately around searching for Tiffany. 

Where are you? Where? There! I briskly stalked up to her in fear he was behind me. "Excuse me, Tiff...? Tiffany please!" My words were rushed and a little wild, all the while my hand was tugging on her arm, trying to pry her from the company she kept, but not trying to look like a lunatic at the same time. It was a very difficult thing to achieve, let me tell you.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." Tiffany said rather politely even though she was slightly agitated. She turned to me, "What?" Real quick she calmed herself and saw the expression on my face. "What now?Are you all right?"

Scared that if I explained, it would not only make things worse, but keep me in here, with him. I had all the time in the world to tell Tiffany what just happened, but not here not now. "Nothing. I-I just need to go home. I just can't be here any more. I just wanted to tell you, thank you so much for the party. You're the best, but you know that, I love you."

"But you can't go! Your cake-do you have any idea what I went through to get that-" she broke off because, my face fell, I hadn't had the time for this, I couldn't do this, not now. She continued at a different angle, 

"-Are you in trouble? Is someone bothering you?-" I didn't mean too, but a cough escaped my mouth at the mention of being bothered, quickly I recovered.  "Are you sick?" She asked taking my outburst as the effect of a newly emerging common cold.  "Yes, I'm not feeling so well, so I'm going ok." I lied, but it seemed this was the only way out, sometimes you've got to do, what you've got to do. All the while through the back and forth of this lovely Q & A, I was unwinding my heels and removing them from my feet.

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