Chapter 5 Market

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Rialoves2cook: For day two of the Gourmet Adventures challenge, I'm making Poqui Poqui, a dish native to North Luzon. For my family, it has a neat history. When my grandfather was young, he went up to Ilocos, the northern coast, to earn money fishing since times were hard on the farm. Once he earned enough, he bought a gorgeous ring in the city and raced to his village to ask my grandmother to marry him. It took her a few weeks to forgive him for leaving for so many months, but she agreed. To show his gratitude and share that part of his life with her, he made Poqui Poqui every Sunday.

For me, Poqui Poqui was a way to share my culture and love of our food with my partner. Since he's socially and environmentally conscious and few Pinoy dishes are vegetarian, this recipe gave us an authentic dish to eat together.

#GourmetAdventure #truelove #separationmakestheheartgrowfonder #Pinoyfood #vegetarian #forgiveness.

posted: September 2nd 7:40pm


The following morning, Maria pulled her thin comforter tight to her body. For the first time in ages, she had an entire day off. Felipe had cancelled her shift after hearing what happened with Adrian. Given that she, Adrian, and her former best friend weren't on speaking terms, the day was as desirable as a pile of rotting fish. At least work kept her mind busy.

A knock shook her bedroom door. "Ria, hurry, we're going to the market," her mother said.

"Not today, Mom." She couldn't face the gossiping aunts they'd run into in the seafood or produce aisles of the Asian market.

The door flew open, and Camilla stood with her hands on her hips. "You think you'll win your competition with sad grocery-store vegetables?"

"They're not tasting the food. It doesn't matter."

"It matters! You are eating it, and maybe if you eat real food, your mind will heal."

"My mind is fine; it's my heart," Maria mumbled.

"It's all connected, iha. This isn't a discussion. If you're under my roof, you act like a member of this family."

Maria's chest grew heavy, sinking her farther into the hard mattress. She wanted to cuddle up next to the man she loved, not lay in her childhood bed getting reprimanded. But she needed to fix that problem before she earned that privilege again.

"This once we'll go to that fancy outdoor market the white people frequent. You can take your videos to show that farm-table thing I watched on TV yesterday."


Adrian loved organic, fair-trade meals, so attending a farmers' market echoed those values. But did it even matter? He wouldn't reply to the apology text she'd sent him explaining her actions.

"Sure, you'll turn Canadian product into food true to your roots. The winners always have a good story, and we'll make yours shine."

It wasn't the worst idea her mother ever had. "Okay, I'll get ready."

On the drive over, Maria checked her social media for any word or reaction from Adrian to her first Gourmet Adventures post. While he was still radio silent, Kelsey, Felipe, and a dozen others liked her videos. People who didn't follow her commented.

'Looks amazing!'

'I have to try that.'

'Where do you find taro?'

Maria replied to each message and checked out their profiles to discover they were also competing. They'd prepared homemade pasta, fancy salads, or desserts. One contestant made adorable animal-inspired snacks and treats for her kids. After Maria praised their impressive work and wished them all the best, their friendly responses were instant. She smiled, looking forward to building her dish for today.

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