The Return of the Princes

Start from the beginning

"So glad you could join us." came two voices speaking simultaneously.

"Um, who are you?" replied Harry.

"We are known by many names. Miscreants, heathens, tricksters. Gred and Forge, or George and Fred. But mostly, we are known as the Weasley twins and we know that you and your friend have been looking for us."

"We have, but how is it possible for you to have avoided us so well. That's never happened before."

"That's for us to know and you to never find out."

"Are you going to both be speaking at the same time every time we talk?"

They both just shrugged, "Probably, but what do you require from us?"

"A way out of the castle."

"That's it? No potions or pranks?"

"Nope, we can do all that just fine ourselves."

"So we've heard."

"Co, can you help us?"

"We can, but only for something in return."

"I thought so, what is it that you want?"

"You're a Slytherin, so get us the current password for your common room and a set of robes."

"I can get you the password, but why can you just transfigure a set of robes from your own."

"We need the robes of one student in particular."

"Which student?"

"Draco Malfoy."

"Malfoy? Sure, I can get you some of his robes. When and where should I take them."

"Bring them back here next Saturday and we'll help you and your friend out."

"Very well, it was good to meet you gentlemen."

"And you sir."

As Harry left to find Seamus, he thought of how both entertaining and strange the Weasley twins are. They seemed to be two halves of the same person. Harry, even though this was their first meeting, knew that he would almost never see one without another. During their meeting the Great Hall had filled with students. Looking to the Gryffindor table, Harry could see his companion. Deciding he probably wasn't awake yet, it was still relatively early for a Sunday. Harry did see that Hermione was sitting by herself at the Ravenclaw table.

"Hello Hermione."

"Morning Harry. What are you doing up so early?"

"I've actually been up for a little over an hour now, I'm usually awake at such an early hour."

"Wow, I'll admit, I had you pegged for a sort of lazy bones."

"Thou wound me!" Harry exclaimed, holding a hand to his heart.

"Oh, shush." Hermione giggled.

"How has the year been so far for you?" Harry asked when they finished laughing.

"Not nearly as exciting as yours."

"Don't remind me, I was literally looking for my next class and just took a wrong turn."

"I was wondering what the truth was, the rumor mill was churning out garbage of what everyone thinks happened."

"And what does everyone think happened?"

"Some think you already knew what was behind the door. Others are saying that because of who you are, Dumbledore was testing you for the future."

"Is that all?"

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