"Hey, where have you been?" I ask Eleanor as I put away my dirty clothes and shower basket. She is riffling through her closet looking for an outfit to change into as she throws her used clothes into the hamper.

"I spent the day with Louis yesterday. Sorry, I forgot to check in and let you know."

"Oh, so you went to their game then?" It's sweet that Eleanor would travel all that way to see her boyfriend play soccer. I would've done the same, even though I absolutely loathe watching soccer, but Harry didn't seem to want me there so I backed off.

"Game? They didn't have a game yesterday." El replies with a confused look on her face. I probably share the same face right now.

"Harry told me they were playing a game out of state for the whole day yesterday. Apparently it was really far, which is why I didn't attend." Unless he was lying...

"No, they didn't have soccer yesterday. The other team forfeited so the coach just let the team have the day off. They didn't even have practice, which is why Louis took me out yesterday and we ended up spending the whole day together. Why would Harry tell you that?" She questions just as I start wondering the same thing.

"I have no idea why he would tell me that." This whole thing just has me so confused. I thought I could wait it out until he could give me an explanation but this is tearing me apart. I need answers now.

"Hey, do you know where he could be right now? I tried calling him but I didn't get an answer." I ask her, knowing that she would probably know since they were pretty close friends.

"Uh yeah, he's probably out visiting his grandma now. He usually does that on Sundays." Of course! How could I not think of that? I guess all this confusion has got my mind all messed up too.

I thank her and quickly retrieve my purse, telling her that I'll be back later. She wishes me luck and soon I'm out the door off to try and find Harry.

I've never actually visited his grandmother without him but I do know the address. I type it into my phone and find out how to get there by transit and soon I am on the bus to the retirement home.

Suprisingly, it isn't that hard to get there. It took about only forty minutes and two bus transfers before I reached the front entrance. I rode up the elevator and curtly knocked on the green door I had gone through several times before.

After the first visit, I had continued going with Harry on his weekly visits to the retirement home, up until recently of course. The other visits were much better after the first time. She was much more herself, is what Harry said. Though he also told me not to mention my name whenever I was there. He said it reminded her of a friend she used to had and that it might trigger another attack like the first visit. This was slightly odd for me, but other than that I quite enjoyed the visits.

We talked a lot, drank tea and look and pictures of Harry as a child, to which he quite detested. We even learned how to make his grandmother's famous tea and biscuits one time. I had grown quite a liking for his grandmother, and I can see why he is so close with her.

Rhonda, Harry's grandmother's caregiver, appears at the door in her usual off white slacks and apron uniform. A surprised look crosses her face for a split second but is quickly replaced with joy.

"Bree! I didn't know you were coming today! Long time no see!" She beams as she ushers me in. I enter into the familiar looking apartment as the smell of herbal tea and old clothes fills my nostrils. I've quite grown accustomed to the smell of this quaint little apartment.

"Is Harry on his way up then?" She asks and I realize that my trip here was to no avail. He isn't here.

"Um no, actually I came on my own." I say quietly, quite disappointed at the fact that he isn't here. I was sure he was.

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