Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

"You shouldn't have done that Harry." El voices the thought already forming in my conscience.

On the other hand, I couldn't be any happier that I asked her the question. She reacted the exact way I knew she would; well, hoped she would. I knew her feelings were deeper than she had let on.

"Some people just can't handle the game, I guess." Brit shakes her head before perking up once again. "Okay, well since she's not going, I'll take her turn. Eleanor! Truth or dare?" she continues. God, is she ever gonna get tired of playing this game? Of course not. She's Brittany for Christ's sake! She's the queen of playing games.

The rest of them go along for another set of rounds as I zone out.

Where did she go? It looked like she could barely walk properly as she stumbled away from us into the crowd. She's probably close to passing out with the amount of liquor she has consumed. Should I check on her?

My mind mentally debates this query as the rest of the group laugh loudly at Josh's dare to flirt with one of the guys on the water polo team.

I've been giving her the cold shoulder for weeks now; going back to my old ways from before I met her. I must admit, it didn't feel as good as it used to. It all felt like a job or tiring task instead of a good time. Having to ask the girl out, not that that part was very difficult; it didn't take much to persuade them. Then having to actually take the along with me and having to pretend like I care about all the useless things they have to say. I don't know why I ever found it like a good use of my time before. It's literally like being in school. It requires so much effort and time that I could be using on something else. Something like her.

Even after all the girls and all the attempts, I still can't shake her off. Right now, all I can think about is her stumbling around drunk at midnight. She could pass out and get trampled on by the mass amount of people at this damn Frat house. Or worse, she could pass out and get picked up by some freaking drunk horny pervert.

Screw it, I'm gonna find her.

"Harry, where are you going?" Brittany asks in her pouty baby tone that annoys the hell out of me.

"I-I'm gonna get a drink," I lie as I turn to the faces on the couch staring at me as I walk away from them.

"But you already had a beer, and you're gonna drive later, Haz." Dammit! Why does El have to be so freaking observant all the damn time?!

"Uh, I-I...I'm just gonna get a water," I mutter as I make my way hurriedly through the crowd of sweaty drunk college kids. These people need to learn how to get out of the freaking way.

"I'm gonna get some air." Her slurred voice echoes in my mind.

I push through the bodies and make my way out the front door, looking around the expansive front porch of the large manor. My eyes behold a couple of smokers chatting in the corner, an intense makeover on the porch railing, and a couple drunkards being stupid, but no brown-haired girl in an all-black bodysuit; which, by the way, looks fucking fantastic on her. My eyes almost popped out of face when I saw her. Sometimes, I forget how unbelievably hot she actually is. And she doesn't even try. I walk down the steps and make my way around the side of the house. She couldn't have gotten far.I take off my plastic Batman mask and ruffle my hair off of my face to improve my view of the area.

It's much quieter out here. You can actually hear people talk out here, instead of the loud booming of the bass. I catch snippets of several conversations as I scour the area.

As I near the the turn to the corner of the side of the house, a familiar booming voice comes into hearing range.

"Well in that case, why don't we get to know each other better?" I wonder what poor woman has caught the attention of Vince this time.

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