Chapter 1

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"Check your mailbox again!" Allie yells at me through the phone. I always forget to keep my phone slightly away from my ear when she gets excited. Her voice always gets in that high pitched squeal when she is like this and it really hurts my ears.

"I checked it twice Al, it's not there! Maybe they didn't get my application in time or I didn't get in..." I frown at the thought of not spending the next four years with my best friend. My only best friend.

"But we mailed it at the exact same time Bree! And it said on their site that ALL the letters are arriving today!"

"Well I don't know maybe my mailman is running late. Probably too busy flirting with Mrs. Cohen again," I snicker. Why a twenty something year old guy is interested in an almost fifty year old married woman who wears way too much make-up and dresses like a tramp is beyond me.

"He better not get all flustered and accidentally drop all the mail on her front porch again." We both chuckle, remembering how his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she bent down in her silk-like robe to help him retrieve it all.

"But seriously it's already almost five in the afternoon, he can't be that late. My letter is just sitting here mocking me," she persists.

"Then just open it already Al!" I raise my voice at her.

"No way! This is a big moment in our lives. Going off to college is a huge step Bridget! This envelope is practically the largest stepping stone to our future. Not to mention all the cool parties and hot college boys! So it's only fit that we should take this step together," she goes on. No wonder she is student council president at our middle school/high school, she really knows how to make a speech out of everything.

"Ripping open an envelope and taking out a bunch of papers is not a big life changer." Trust me, this is nothing compared to the boulders that have changed my life.

"It's what's written on those bunch of papers that are."

I hear my dad shuffle through the door, throwing his worn briefcase on the couch and keys on the coffee table as he has done every weekday since I was 12. This time he walks straight across the large room into the kitchen where I am seated at the dinner table. That's odd, he didn't take off his black work shoes yet. I turn around in my chair.

"Hey Honey Bee, looks like you got mail." He tosses the beige manila envelope at me and I catch it with one hand. 'University of California Los Angeles' it says on the top hand corner.

"Thanks dad," I say and turn my attention back to my phone conversation with Allie.

"Who's that? Is your dad home? Maybe he has your letter, go ask!"

"He just walked through the door. I have the letter," I tell her.

"Eeeeeeeep! Oh my gosh! Okay stay there, I'm on my way!" she shrieks through the phone as she hangs up. Good thing I didn't have my phone crushed to my ear this time. I think that's the highest I've heard her voice go.

"So are you gonna open it?" my dad asks curiously.

"No, Allie wants me to wait for her to come so we can open it together. Something about taking the large step towards our future together."

"Well, she's not wrong kiddo, this is pretty big. The next four years plays a huge role in shaping your future."

"You sound like Allie."

"I've always liked that Allison," he winks and grabs apple from the counter.

The next few hours consisted of squeals, screams, jumping and crying, mostly on Allie's part, and proud pats on the back from my father. I will admit that I was just as happy as she was when we both read that we got accepted. God knows I am absolutely terrible at making friends. If it weren't for Allie being the head of the welcome committee when I transferred in grade 8, I probably wouldn't have had any friends at all. Not that I had any real friends besides her. She tried to integrate me into her popular friend group but they didn't really accept my introverted and pessimistic qualities so they usually just ignored or pretended to like me. I did the same with them since I honestly can't stand those fake wannabe types. Allie wasn't like that, everything came naturally for her and she was a real person. Why she decided to to take the time to really get to know me, I still don't understand. But I'm glad she did. Especially with the emotional roller coaster I was about to go through in the year ahead.

- 3 months later -

"Are you sure you have everything you need to have in your carry-on with you?"

"Yeah I'm good dad," I reply.

"And Allison's brother is picking you guys up from the airport? Does he have enough room in his car to fit your suitcases?"

"Yep. And he has a truck so they're be plenty of room for them in the back," I reassure him though it doesn't seem to work as he continues to press me for questions.

"Is he a good driver? Make sure he doesn't go too fast with all your stuff in the back it's not-"

"Daaaaaad," I exclaim quietly and sigh.

"Don't worry so much Phil, I'm sure the girls will be fine. And I'll have you know that my son is an excellent driver and will take good care of the girls on the drive there," Allie's mom chimes in and winks at me. I give her a 'thanks for the save' smile. "Now say your goodbyes already, half of the passengers have already boarded the plane!" she informs him before quickly wrapping her arms around her own daughter and whispering something in her ear.

"Well I guess there's no more delaying it. This is it kiddo." My dad looks at me and his face falls. "Remember, your mom is only a few hours away so call her if you need anything. She'll probably drop by campus one or two times to check on you."

Knowing my mother, she'll probably check up on me way more than one or two times, but I give my dad a nod. "And don't hesitate to call me either. Just because I'll be on the other side of the continent it does not mean I am unreachable. If you ever feel homesick or anything just let me know and I'll get some money to fly you back home, okay?"

"Okay," I lie. I know I could never ask him to pay for me to fly back home. No matter how homesick I am. He's already paying for my flight there and my dorm room. Plus, he works like a dog already just to make enough to pay for our overly-priced bungalow in the city. I can't add another expensive to the many bills he already has to pay.

My dad gives me a tight hug. When he releases me, I hurry over to join Allie in the line to board as he steps back to join Allie's mom near the waiting area. Just as I am about to walk through the windy tunnel that connects the plane entrance to the airport, I turn around one last time. My dad stands statue-like next to Allie's mom who gives me a small wave. His eyes glistening under the bright fluorescent lights. Is he crying? I turn around and step out of the Toronto Island Airport building and onto the plane.

The flight was surprisingly short. Good thing we decided to fly with West Jet instead of American Airlines where we would've had to make a stop in Detroit with a 2 hour layover time. Though, the stop over would have given my shoulder and ears a break from Allie resting her heavy curly head on me as she snored loudly. We walk along with the crowd of people as we exit the plane. Allie is still half asleep and looks like a zombie when walk over to baggage claim.

"Al! Hey Allie!" We hear through the crowd of people in front of us. We both scan our eyes through the crowd of people. I see a hand raise above the heads of the people and wave in our direction. Allie runs towards it and tackles it's owner, her previous zombie-like features completely disappearing.

"Niaaaaaalleeer!" she screams as she makes contact, turning the heads of many in the crowd. I walk over to where they are. After she finally lets him go, he turns to me.

"Hey Bridget, nice to see you again!" he says politely.

"Hey Niall," I say awkwardly as I look up at his sea blue eyes.


Here's the 1st official chapter of the book. I thought I'd post it before I head off to watch the 1D This Is Us Movie!!! I'm sooo psyched its finally out! I'm going to the first showing at the movie theaters, and it's the first day that its out so its gonna be craaaaazy filled with directioners. Hope I get a good seat, wish me luck lol ! I'll be posting the next chapter soon, Happy Reading! x

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