Chapter 31

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The theme song for this chapter is The Story of Us by Taylor Swift :) Enjoy! xo


Position: Desk Receptionist/Administrative Assistant

Job-Type: Part-Time

Location: Coastal Dental Clinic Services

1256 Canon Drive

Beverley Hills, California

Nope. I can't stand talking to customers on the phone and I hate the smell of a dentist's office.

Position: Communications Assistant

Job-Type: Part-Time

Location: TeleJournal News Ltd.

55 Walnut Street

Pasadena, California

Its way too far from campus, meaning that I'll have to commute more than an hour everyday on the bus just to get there. It's not like I have anyone who could drive me. Not anymore, anyways.

Position: Pizza Hut Delivery Driver

Job-Type: Full-Time

Location: Pizza Hut

137 Westwood Blvd

Los Angeles, California

I can't drive for my life, I'm horrible at directions, and I can't work full-time. Next.

Position: Janitorial Assistant

Job-Type: Part-Time

Location: UCLA Medical Laboratory Center

27 Steinwood Plaza

Los Angeles, California

Hell no. It may be just around the corner, but my first job in the city is not going to be cleaning up potential fatal chemicals, no matter how desperate I am for a job.

I close the top of my new laptop in frustration and take another sip of my morning coffee. I rest the back of my head on the warm comfy sofa at my usual spot in the large Starbucks shop and close my eyes in defeat.

I give up. I've spent three days looking for a decent job in this big city and have come up empty handed. The only jobs available at the mall were in retail, which I would be terrible at. I hate shopping and I am terrible at making customers happy. Though Allie and El managed to find one; El at Free People and Allie at Macy's; all I managed to find was a belated birthday present for Niall, which I quietly slipped under his door this morning. It's hopeless.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so picky with finding a job. I mean, it's not like I have much of a choice. I need to find a job, and fast. It's just that, I thought that moving to LA would bring along so many opportunities with it, including jobs. In reality, it's really the exact same as it is in Toronto, just warmer and closer to the ocean. This isn't exactly how I pictured living here would be like.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear someone say and my eyes meet the familiar hazel ones.

"Hey, Zayn. What are you doing here?" I question as he takes a seat on the couch next to me.

"Um, I work here, remember?" he laughs lightly. It's a nice sound.

"Oh yeah I know, I just meant, why are you working so early? I mean don't you have classes soon?" Regular classes are supposed to start in an hour and it's a Monday morning.

Memory (Harry Styles)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat