Chapter 38

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The song for this chapter is once again Don't forget Where You Belong by One Direction. Merry Christmas Eve to Everyone! Enjoy! xo

P.S. There will be another update either tomorrow or the day after ;)


"Guess what?" Allie barges in excitedly through the doors and props herself at the bar, staring at me intently across the counter waiting for me to reply, what? what? tell me!

"You finally finished your part in our literary review assignment due next week?" I say sarcastically, knowing it was far off from what she actually had to say.

"No, better. My mom just sent me two round-trip plane tickets to Toronto! We're going home for thanksgiving!" she announces giddily. What? No.


"Seriously! Pack your bags King! We're leaving in three days!" She claps her hands together in excitement while I stop wiping down the tables.

"No, I mean seriously in a bad way. My dad got me tickets to fly back home for my birthday and I was planning to use them for thanksgiving as well. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to use the other one I had..." I explain to her as I refill the napkin dispenser. Zayn always gives me these jobs to do while he takes most of the restocking and orders. I'm pretty sure it's just to keep me busy and away from actually making drinks. Despite my carnal knowledge on everything Starbucks, I'm pretty much the worst at preparing anything consumable.

"Oh, really? Wow what a coincidence that our parents would get us both tickets to go home..." she ponders aloud as she absent-mindlessly plays with and bends the new straws that I've just put into the straw dispenser.

"Why don't you ask Niall to take yours?" I suggest. Though we haven't really spoken since the night of the party and Harry has made it clear that he doesn't want me seeing him- for reasons he has still failed to elaborate on- I'm sure Niall would love to go home for the holidays. I don't think he's been home since he left three years ago.

She sighs, "I already did. The tickets were supposed to be for him and I to go but he said he was too busy with school to leave right now." I stay silent as I finish cleaning and replenishing the supplies on the counter.

"Well, I guess it works out for the best then. Now I can bring along who I really wanted to in the first place," she says in her once again chipper tone. I make a mock offended gesture at her, a little hurt by her words, but she just continues on.

"Now I can ask Liam if he wants to go." Liam? I can imagine the plane ride already. The two canoodling by the window seat while I'm stuck as the lonely third-wheeler trapped on a plane for six hours with the love birds. Fun!

"Doesn't he have his own family to get to on thanksgiving?" I ask her. Surely he would much rather spend it with them than play meet the parents.

"Yeah, but he doesn't have enough right now to fly all the way to London, so he was just planning to stay here for thanksgiving." I only manage to mumble an oh as she continues to gush about her new trip with Liam.

"How about you? You still have an extra ticket. Why don't you bring Harry?" What?! Is she serious? I'm not bringing Harry home for thanksgiving to meet my father. No way! We haven't really even defined our relationship yet and coming home with me to meet my dad is moving way, way too fast!

"Hey, guys what you talking about?" Eleanor slides into a stool beside Allie, coming from work.

"Our trip back home for thanksgiving." Allie tells her.

Memory (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz