Chapter 18 (Bonus Chapter)

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Hey all! So I decided to make this a bonus chapter in the story, seeing as it doesn't really have anything to do with advancing the plot and I really just wanted to scrap this chapter. You can skip it and still be able to understand the story, which I recommend because it is not very good and has a few plot holes. This is just an extra behind the scenes looks at the college lives the characters of Memory :)


"So where should we go first?" Eleanor asks once she parks the car in the large lot outside of the Westfield Century Mall. Um, how about back home?

"Ooh, let's go to Bloomingdales! They don't have them in Canada," Allie pipes. Honestly, it's the exact same as Sears or The Bay, with the same sky-high prices. But of course, we end up going there regardless. I guess it's fine, my mom did give me quite a bit of spending cash.

We sift through the pants and bottoms section first, as Allie and El scurry around like little mice looking for the perfect outfit for Cinderella. But I'm no Cinderella, not even close. They pull out about seven different bottoms, three different coloured pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, a long maxi skirt and a black high-low skirt. I'm okay with the pants but I'm not wearing the rest.

"I can't afford to buy all those. And I'm not wearing shorts or a skirt," I state.

"Don't worry, we're just grabbing them for you to try on, then we'll decide which ones you should buy," Eleanor assures me. Oh great, I have to try them on? I hate trying things on, it takes forever! When I shop I usually on take an hour or less. After a while, going around the mall just really makes me dizzy. This is one of the reasons why I almost never shop with Allie. She can shop for 24 hours straight and not get tired. She's a major shopaholic. Somehow, I can Eleanor is the same. Lovely!

"Oh my little Bridgey-Bee," she strokes the top of my head. I hate when she calls me that. Just as much as I hate when Harry calls me Bee. "What's the point of going shopping for a wardrobe makeover if your just gonna buy the exact same clothes you already have? Leave it to us Hun, we'll make sure you look absolutely fab once we're done with you," she winks. That's what I'm afraid of.

"Think of us as your fairy style-mothers," Eleanor adds and they both do a girly little giggle. More like wicked style-mothers. I don't want a makeover. I think the way I look now is perfectly fine. Of course, Harry doesn't seem to think so, but who cares what he thinks. My mind goes back to yesterday when he commented on my not wearing glasses to the party. Though his compliment sure sounded a lot like an insult, he called my eyes pretty. I feel a weird tingle inside.

"Okay, let's move on!" Allie chirps as she pushes the cart to the next section. They pick out a pile full of tops, a bunch of different shoes I would never pick out myself, and a couple of casual dresses that I'm definitely not going to be wearing, before finally deciding to go to the change rooms. They shove me in one and sit outside my stall on a couple of black couches. At least they have nice fitting rooms. They should, with such steep clothing prices, you would expect it.

I try on the ones I like first, which are the pants and a couple of the plain, more conservative, tops that they chose for me. The first one I come out with is a pair of grey-blue skinny jeans with a bit of rips near the knee area and a grey long-sleeved pullover with an eagle on the front. I actually like this one, the rips in the jeans add a bit of an edge to it. I walk out and they both both give me disapproving looks.

"I like the pants, but the top is a little too, plain," Allie judges. Does she not see the eagle on the front? It's pretty hard not to notice.

"Try the pants with these tops." Eleanor grabs two white sleeveless tops out of my pile and guides me into the stall to try them on. One is kind of loose and has the words 'always and forever' written across it, what does that even mean? The other is tighter at the boobs before it flares out at the bottom, and has a golden tribal pattern near the neck area. I would never wear these. I walk out with the first one. Their faces look a little less sour and Eleanor passes me a long grey-brown knit cardigan.

Memory (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now