Chapter 7

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-Harry's POV-

What just happened?

We all sit in shocked silence looking at the door of the diner, the one that Bree just bursted and left through, moments ago.

"Is she okay?" Liam ponders.

"I don't know, she didn't seem sick a few minutes ago," Allie points. That's true. She was just challenging me with my fries, and the determined and confident look in her eyes didn't have a hint of sickness in them. Maybe the fries made her sick? No, that's impossible. We had the same fries, and I feel fine.

"Where is she going? It's so late already and our dorm is so far from here. She can't possibly walk it, especially if she's sick." Eleanor says.

"Maybe you should go look for her and give her a ride back, Haz," Louis adds.

"Wait, who's gonna drive us back?" Allie asks.

"Oh, Liam's apartment is just around the corner. He can drive us with his car." Louis tells her.

"Okay, see you later guys," I tell them over my shoulder as I walk out of the diner to find her.

She couldn't have gotten far. And besides, where is she gonna go? The bus stop is pretty far from here and I doubt she even knows where it is, its her first night in the city.

As I open the door a swift breeze hits my face. Jeez it's so cold! Bree must be freezing. It's not good for her to be out in the cold if she's sick. Then again, she's wearing my jacket, so she's probably much warmer than I am.

I look around the parking lot. She's not here. My eye's scan the surrounding area until it stops at a long haired figure waiting at the stoplight past the parking lot. I jog over to her.

"Bree! Hey, wait up! Where are you going?" I shout out to her when I'm near. She turns around. Her eye's are slightly red. Has she been crying?

"Um, home," she mumbles to the ground.

"What happened in there? Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, I'm just um, feeling kinda sick so I have to go." She still doesn't look very sick to me. Not physically anyways. She turns to leave.

"Hey wait!" I say as I pull her arm to make her face me again. "At least let me give you a ride." I look into her dark grey eyes.

"Uh, no it's fine." She pulls her arm back. "I'll just take the bus or something." She looks around for a bus stop that isn't there.

"The bus stop is pretty far from here, and it doesn't even take you close to campus."

"Well then I'll walk." Is she serious?

"Uh, no I don't think so." I step in front of her and block her path. "It's cold and dark outside and you don't even know where your going."

"Who are you to tell me what's good for me?" she challenges me again. What's with this girl? She moves to other side of me, attempting to pass.

"Oh no you don't," I say as I hoist her body up on my shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" she screams as she wiggles in my grasp.

"Well, if your not gonna come willingly then I'm gonna have to give you a ride by force." I smirk. I have a perfect view of her ass from here.

"Put me down before I throw up on you!" she threatens.

"Oh please! We both know that you're not actually sick." She doesn't respond to this.

"Put me down you fucking lunatic!" She starts to kick.

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