Chapter 43

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Bree's POV

It's been a week since we got back.

Don't get me wrong, it was the best thing in the world to be able to see my dad again after three long months halfway across the continent from him. The trip was good overall, the thanksgiving dinner was amazing, I even began to get used to the idea of my dad and Allie's mom being together near the end. As they both saw us all off at the airport, I no longer felt that pang of disgust when their faces collided in the car. Several times, I might add.

However, something has changed since we got back from the trip.

Ever since we got back, Harry has been well, different. Actually, even before then he was acting a little strange.

The plane ride was silent. I tried to initiate conversation, talking about random, stupid things like how I got this odd tickle in my stomach every time the plane lifted off that made me wanna pee. I meant it to be kind of comedic. I even imagined him laughing and making a teasing comment, but I got nothing. Instead, he just shrugged his shoulders and gave me a tight-lipped smile.

Eventually he just ended up sleeping through most of the ride, and I think that was just to get away from talking to me.

Did I do something to upset him?

As far as I can recall, things went great on the trip.

What changed?

I continue on with my everyday life once we get back. Back to five days of school, long nights studying in my cramped dorm room and back to the college life. This also meant back to working at Starbucks after school.

I am cleaning the counter and refilling the napkin dispenser when Allie and El walk into the store.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I ask, a bit confused by their prescence. I've been working here quite awhile and this isn't the usual time they would come in. I mean, my shift is almost over. The walk and both sit on bar stools at the counter I am cleaning. El has her sad face on, puzzling me even more. Did something happen?

"Heeey, Bree." Allie starts off, elongating her greeting. This confirms it. Something is wrong.

"Um, Harry sent us. He said he couldn't come to pick you up after your shift today. Something about helping Louis with something?" Eleanor says reluctantly. "Sorry, hun." She shrugs before giving me a comforting smile.

"It's fine." I sigh. "I guess I kind of expected it." I really did. I mean, he's been avoiding me the entire week. I haven't really even seen him besides in psyche class. Even there, he hardly even makes eye contact with me and leaves right when we are dismissed.

"What happened with you guys? I thought things were going so well." Allie comments.

"I thought so too. I don't know, I guess he's been kind of distant lately, after the trip." He's been more than distant. It doesn't even feel like we are in a relationship anymore. We've barely said more than a few words to each other, which is really out of the ordinary for us.

"Did something happen during the trip?" El questions, making me revisit my thoughts on the subject.

I don't think anything happened. He was fine during the race. I guess it was after then when he started pulling away.

I go through our conversations after then before something sticks out.

I told him about what happened with Greg. How I lost my virginity to my best friend's boyfriend and kept it from her all these years. And here I am, sitting here with that very same friend, talking about my relationship problems when the very cause could possibly be the thing I have been keeping from her all these years.

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