Chapter 16

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I can still feel his daggers glaring at me. What's his problem? I move closer to Zayn, resting Gino, the plush monkey I won at ring toss, on my lap.

He's sitting next to Brittany. She keeps looking at me too. It's not my fault your boyfriend is an asshole, honey.

Allie hands Zayn and I skewers and a couple of marshmallows and we begin roasting them like everyone else.

I place my stick directly over the fire and my eyes begin to wander to Harry's skewer of marshmallows, just across the small fire. He pulls his stick back and whisks it across his mouth horizontally, devouring the two marshmallows on it in one swift motion. This action make me chuckle to myself quietly.

"Bree! Your marshmallows!" Allie shouts and I look over to my stick under the fire. I pull it out and there are literally two fire balls on my stick. Whoops. I try to blow it out but it doesn't work. Zayn takes the stick and swats it on the sand a couple of times, extinguishing the fire. He raised the sick and the black marshmallows are completely covered in sand.

"Mmm, yummy!" I exclaim sarcastically and we both laugh.

"Here, you can have mine," he hands me his stick of perfectly roasted marshmallows. How is he so good at this?

"Thanks." I smile and take the skewer from him. When I turn my head back towards the fire, Harry is staring at both of us. His eyes are dark and his mouth is set in a straight line. I keep my eyes on the fire, refusing to look at him.

Suddenly, he grabs a marshmallow off of Brittany's skewer.

"Hey! That's mine!" she says in her annoyingly girly voice.

"Oh, here." He bites off half then feeds the rest of the gooey marshmallow into her mouth. A string of it lands on her chin and he wipes it off with his thumb.

"Harry! You got me all sticky now!" she whines and giggles. Her voice really irritates me. I roll my eyes.

"Sorry!" He says coyly, smiling as he licks the melted marshmallow remains off of his thumb. Ew.

I turn my attention back to the fire, trying not to let my eyes wander to what's happening across from it.

Her fake giggles and and playful swats at Harry really makes me wish I weren't here right now.

As if answering my prayers, Zayn turns to me and asks. "I'm gonna go get a drink inside, you want one?"

"Yeah sure, I'll come with you!" I pipe up immediately as I stand and follow him into the large and obviously expensive beach house. I catch a glimpse of Harry's wide water coloured eyes on us as we walk off together. I move closer to Zayn and I can't help but smile at the ground in victory once we're inside. We make our way to the punch bowl on the island in the kitchen.

"Um, I'm pretty sure this punch is spiked," he says as he sniffs the contents of the ladle filled with red liquid in his hand.

"Awesome!" I reply genuinely with a smile. I need a bit of alcohol in my system if I'm gonna last the night with Harry here. He fills our plastic cups full before handing me mine. He says something to me as he passes it, but I can't understand him.

"What?" I yell over the music and crowd of people. He repeats it but all I could make out is, do, you, and house. It's too loud in here. I signal for him to hold his thought, as I drag him into a quieter room. I open a door to a room just off the kitchen.

It is dark inside, so I feel my way around the wall near the door. Sure enough, I feel the shape of a light switch and flick it on. My eyes tell me that this is probably the pantry, a pretty darn big pantry! It's about half the size of my dorm, with floor to ceiling cabinets and a small counter on one side. I walk in and jump up onto the not-so-high counter and Zayn follows me, leaning on the counter beside me after closing the door.

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