Chapter 15

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HIIIIIIII!! It's been awhile my friends iv'e been busy with my Chinese exams, and dealing with graduation. I hope you all have been well, and I hope you enjoy the chapter. (^~^)/////

It was days before my birthday when my mother and I found out my father died in the war. It was the day of my birthday when my mother took her life. I still remember the way she was dangling in the air. Her hair was hanging down, a dry tear stain rested on her face.Our family was a happy one, but in the course of one week everything was in complete ruins. I was listed as a orphan, and in a Werewolf world I didn't matter.. I was unimportant. Since that day I've been taking care of my self, I was alone in this world....

My heart came crushing down, my anxiety was in full action. I didn't ask to be here, I don't want to live this way. " Please stop Rolan," I beg. 

All he did was growl in response, continuing to strip me of my clothes.I try curling in to a ball, but Chris pushes me back pinning me to the bed." Would you just stop fighting it already, you're ours we can do whatever we want," Chris yelled angrily in my ear.

I continue to weep not knowing what to do.I don't want this to be the way I lose my virginity. I started to get dizzy, my heart was pounding, it felt as if my heart was trying to jump out of my chest. When my body started to shiver, I knew what was going on, but by then it was to late.My struggling ceased and I drifted off. 

" Daiiisssyy stopp saying that, so gross," I covered my ears from her rant.She simply grinned at me saying," Lia it's gonna happen eventually, especially since we leave for the games next month.."

I could internally hear myself grown," Exactly eventually not now, not soon, plus I refuse to do that with a stupid wolf." She rolled her eyes," You think what you want matters to them?," she says. 

"I know you hate them, I hate them as well, but this is the world we live in now. We follow their rules, we have to in order to survive," She says hugging me.

" But Daisy.." I whispered in my sleep. I can't remember what I said back to her, but now I see why she chose to just go with her mate. I open my eyes, and the view should of shocked me but I feel nothing...not even sadness nor anger.Those wolfs were laying by my side, the pain existing somewhere. I felt numb, I thought, I thought... Exactly I thought wrong.. Wolfs are monsters, mate or not..nothing can change that.

My eyes casted over I felt like a doll...lifeless. I moved my body up from the bed, pain shooting  throughout. I got out of the bed, making sure not to make too much noise. I open the door, then make my way to the basement. ...They don't care what they do to me, they only care about themselves. But I will not let myself be used..I won't. I'd rather just be locked up in that cage, away from them.

I open the cage door, then shut it behind me. I crouch down in a corner, bringing my knees to my forehead. They can't hurt me here.. " Mom help me werewolf are scary..."


This is a very short chapter I low key wrote this during my AP Gov class XD. I'll try to have the next one out soon to make up for it. Thank you for ready, hope you all are having a wonderful day!

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