Chapter 4

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" We will be arriving shortly, please put up your tray tables in any other items you may have taken out during flight," I heard from the intercom, waking me up.

I straighten my arms out, yawning, I look over at Daisy

" Good morning, you sure did sleep the whole time," she laughs.

"Good morning," I said tiredly

" Anything happen while I was asleep,"

"No, but.... The Alpha kept staring at you," she says.

"What, why?", I asked shocked.

"I'm not sure, I find it weird too, every five minutes he would turn around in his seat and would stare at you, I find it creepy," she says.

"Same," I say looking at him.


After few minutes we finally arrived in Russia, the landing was rough, because of the cold weather and the high winds.

The plane slowly got over to the gate, I unbuckled my seat belt, stood up and got my bags. After all of the girls got off, we made are way to the bus that was waiting for us.

When we got to the lobby of the airport, we were met with more than 500 girls. After Alpha Chris got everyone in are area, every different sections starts getting on their bus, each bus going to 10 different hotels.

We all get onto our bus, taking our seats.

"Once we arrive you all will go to the room you have been assigned, and wait for dinner, remember tomorrow night we have the bonfire, where some of you will find your mates," Alpha Chris says while staring at me.

"Even if your mates finds you tomorrow night you have two options, you can go with him willingly," he says like it's the right thing to do.

"Or you can compete in the games to fight for your freedom," he says angrily.

After he stopped talking, a few girls in front of me started asking him questions.After about 20 minutes we arrive at are hotel, and I go straight to my room, just incase there's any guys around.

I'm not taking that chance.

I slide my room key, and enter my room, a king size bed, big enough to bounce on, red velvet curtain, a flat screen.

I quickly walked into the bathroom and I was speechless it was so beautiful, a open bathroom, glass shower, marble flooring.

I walk out, jumping onto my bed.

I was soooo lucky to get a suite, the view is perfect. The only downside is that the Alpha is next door.

I turn on the T.V, luckily Harry Potter is on. I watch in silence, patiently waiting for my food to come.


Knock knock knock
8 pm

I walk over to the door, opening it. They quickly came into the room bringing the food in.After they set down my food they left the room. I lift up the cover of the food; Chicken Alfredo, with oysters to the side, and a small salad.

That was so delicious

"Oh my god, I have never tasted something so good," I exclaim.

I wonder if I can get anymore, I doubt it, I pout.

Knock knock

I look up at the door in suprise, I guess their here for the dishes.

I walk towards the door, I slowly turn the door handle, pulling the door towards me.

" The dishes are on the table, thank you for--," I look up, quickly stopping my mouth from saying anymore words.

"Oh Chris," my eyes widen.

"I-I....I mean Alpha, what can I do for you," my words scrambling in a panic.

I look up at his sea green eyes,"ah," my face turn a bright shade of pink, I quickly looked down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean any disrespect,"my voice quivers.

He stifles a laugh,"It's okay, I have been checking up on everyone, it seems you have enjoyed dinner," he smiles.

"Ah, yes sir it was delicious," I see his shadow come towards me, he lifts up his arm, and tilts up my chin.

He stares at my eyes, then at my nose, his gaze lingers on my lips.


My voice breaks the silence.

He quickly drops his arm, looks at me one more time, then leaves my room.

What was all that about, I question.

I closed the door, then I go towards the bed to lay down.

"Should I be worried......," I whisper.

Thank you for reading~

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